Book Track

Bookshelf planner and log

Book Track

Book Track

Bookshelf planner and log
Simone Montalto

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 23个评分

Book Track is an iPhone, iPad, and Mac app that can track your books — both the ones you own and the ones you hope to own in the future.
Avid readers know how difficult it can be to keep tabs on a growing book collection and that's where Book Track comes into its own by making it quicker and easier than ever to track your reading. Not only can you track all of the books that you own, as well as how far you've read, but you can also keep a wishlist of the books that you'd like to pick up in the future. Whether a book is in your 'Library' or your 'Wishlist,' Book Track displays information and gorgeous cover art for all of them. While Book Track uses information from the internet, more obscure books can also be added manually, too.
Book Track is a free app and is limited to 5 books. A single in-app purchase unlocks support for unlimited books across iPhone and iPad. A separate purchase is required to unlock the full Mac app.
Book Track users can look forward to:
- A synchronized list of books and information — whether you save a book on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, it'll be synced across all devices. Both your Library and Wishlist will be synced seamlessly and automatically so you'll never lose a book again — or buy the same book twice because you forgot you already own it!
- Easy and comprehensive book organization — Every book you add to your Library can be marked as read, reading, or unread, with each book also supporting tags to help you find similar books throughout your collection. Book information like title, author, description, publisher, year of publication, genre, and even the description can also be edited to make your Library as accurate or personal as possible.
- Quote saving — Find a passage within a book that you want to save for later? Book Track can save your favorite quotes in one place so you can read them again later. You can even put them on your Home screen using a widget.
- All the stats, right where you'll see them — Book Track collects library and reading statistics and puts them right on your Home screen with gorgeous widgets. iPad users can enjoy an extra large widget with even more stats, too!
- Support for importing books from services like Goodreads, BookBuddy, Reading List, and more — It's never been easier to import your books from other apps and services so you don't have to start building your library all over again. Book collections can also be exported to PDF and CSV as well.
- Deep integration with iOS and macOS — Book Track includes support for the latest Apple features including Shortcuts and Siri, while Widgets can be used to put your favorite quotes right onto your Home screen.
- Privacy — Book Track doesn't collect any of your personal data and doesn't track you in any way. Books should be fun, not another reason to worry about your data privacy.


Selected Solutions



Imglarger 是一个基于 web 端的 AI 图像处理工具,提供一站式图像画质增强解决方案。网站采用人工智能技术全面提高图像质量。无论你是想无损放大照片、锐化细节、减少噪点、无痕去背景,优化人像,还是人像转卡通,放大动漫壁纸至 4K, imglarger 都能够在数秒内帮你完成任务。


「表盘商店」是一个为苹果手表量身定做的表盘类 APP,上千张免费表盘壁纸,每周都有更新的表盘组合,兼容从 Apple Watch 3 开始到 ULTRA 的所有型号,各种只有这才能找到的顶级表盘设计,实时表盘访问预览,让你的 Apple Watch 变得独一无二。


做记录应该是一件轻松,便捷与美好的事情,这个很关键,每一天当我们产生出有趣的想法,遇到意想不到的事情,使用轻记去记下来,APP 摇一下也可以快速记录,当然用语音也很快,APP 有很多彩蛋,随着你深入的使用肯定会给你的坚持带来不少的乐趣。

Book Track
Bookshelf planner and log


· 23个评分

Book Track is an iPhone, iPad, and Mac app that can track your books — both the ones you own and the ones you hope to own in the future.
Avid readers know how difficult it can be to keep tabs on a growing book collection and that's where Book Track comes into its own by making it quicker and easier than ever to track your reading. Not only can you track all of the books that you own, as well as how far you've read, but you can also keep a wishlist of the books that you'd like to pick up in the future. Whether a book is in your 'Library' or your 'Wishlist,' Book Track displays information and gorgeous cover art for all of them. While Book Track uses information from the internet, more obscure books can also be added manually, too.
Book Track is a free app and is limited to 5 books. A single in-app purchase unlocks support for unlimited books across iPhone and iPad. A separate purchase is required to unlock the full Mac app.
Book Track users can look forward to:
- A synchronized list of books and information — whether you save a book on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, it'll be synced across all devices. Both your Library and Wishlist will be synced seamlessly and automatically so you'll never lose a book again — or buy the same book twice because you forgot you already own it!
- Easy and comprehensive book organization — Every book you add to your Library can be marked as read, reading, or unread, with each book also supporting tags to help you find similar books throughout your collection. Book information like title, author, description, publisher, year of publication, genre, and even the description can also be edited to make your Library as accurate or personal as possible.
- Quote saving — Find a passage within a book that you want to save for later? Book Track can save your favorite quotes in one place so you can read them again later. You can even put them on your Home screen using a widget.
- All the stats, right where you'll see them — Book Track collects library and reading statistics and puts them right on your Home screen with gorgeous widgets. iPad users can enjoy an extra large widget with even more stats, too!
- Support for importing books from services like Goodreads, BookBuddy, Reading List, and more — It's never been easier to import your books from other apps and services so you don't have to start building your library all over again. Book collections can also be exported to PDF and CSV as well.
- Deep integration with iOS and macOS — Book Track includes support for the latest Apple features including Shortcuts and Siri, while Widgets can be used to put your favorite quotes right onto your Home screen.
- Privacy — Book Track doesn't collect any of your personal data and doesn't track you in any way. Books should be fun, not another reason to worry about your data privacy.


社恐人士的福音,24 小时与 AI 沉浸式练习口语,支持 AI 视频通话,支持 40 种语言

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会员返券 0

高颜值 PDF 编辑器,支持 Mac、Windows、iOS 和 Android 全平台

会员立省 74

一款任务清单,日程管理和习惯打卡,并帮助你专注的,致力于提高你效率的时间规划软件。应用功能丰富,且每个功能都做的很深入。同时,应用支持 Android,iOS 和网页,多平台协同操作,数据自动同步,全方位助力你效率的提升。另外,应用有着丰富的个性化设置,可以更改应用主题和壁纸,时刻保持应用的新鲜感,是一款可盐可甜,既严肃又可爱的效率工具。

会员返券 0

一款支持全平台的 AI 思维导图软件,支持多人实时协作,支持 PPT 演示模式

会员立省 100

一款趣味脑力训练应用,内含 60+ 款趣味脑力游戏,提高你的记忆力、想象力、逻辑力、专注力、反应力、计算力

会员立省 30

Imglarger 是一个基于 web 端的 AI 图像处理工具,提供一站式图像画质增强解决方案。网站采用人工智能技术全面提高图像质量。无论你是想无损放大照片、锐化细节、减少噪点、无痕去背景,优化人像,还是人像转卡通,放大动漫壁纸至 4K, imglarger 都能够在数秒内帮你完成任务。


「表盘商店」是一个为苹果手表量身定做的表盘类 APP,上千张免费表盘壁纸,每周都有更新的表盘组合,兼容从 Apple Watch 3 开始到 ULTRA 的所有型号,各种只有这才能找到的顶级表盘设计,实时表盘访问预览,让你的 Apple Watch 变得独一无二。


做记录应该是一件轻松,便捷与美好的事情,这个很关键,每一天当我们产生出有趣的想法,遇到意想不到的事情,使用轻记去记下来,APP 摇一下也可以快速记录,当然用语音也很快,APP 有很多彩蛋,随着你深入的使用肯定会给你的坚持带来不少的乐趣。

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