HEY Email

Basecamp, LLC

HEY Email

HEY Email

Basecamp, LLC

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 15个评分

It’s “you’ll never go back” better HEY replaces workarounds, messy hacks, and daily frustrations, with built-in workflows, effortless organization, and clever features that levels-up email in meaningful ways. Screen emails like you screen calls You screen your calls, so why can't you screen your emails? With HEY, you can. HEY puts you in complete control of who's allowed to email you. Don't want to hear from someone? Screen them out and won’t hear from them again. Naturally grouped Inboxes are typically an intertwined mess of new and old messages haphazardly mixed together. Yuck. With HEY, new messages are always grouped together at the top, and previously seen emails are always at the bottom. Neat and orderly by default. No need to wade through the inbox jungle with a machete. Spread ’em out, read ’em together Let's say you have 7 unread emails. Why do you have to open one, close one, open one, close one, open one, close one, and so on. It's rediculously inefficient. With HEY, you can open multiple emails at once and just scroll though them, just like you would a newsfeed. It's a revolutionary way to read your emails. You'll never go back to the old way. Find files without pulling your hair out If you’re looking for an attachment, why should you have to find an email first? That’s backwards. With HEY, you get an attachment library that gathers up every attachment you’ve ever received in one organized, siftable place. Just set it aside Sometimes you get emails you need to reference later - travel info, handy links, numbers you need, etc. With HEY, you can 'Set Aside' any email in a neat little pile for easy access whenever you need it. At hand, but out of your face. Put receipts in The Paper Trail Receipts, confirmations, and transactional emails getting in your way? With HEY, you can send those types of emails to The Paper Trail where they'll be out of your way, but easy to find when you need them. Blocking email spies 24/7/365 Many companies track which emails you open, how often you open them, and even where you were when you opened them. It's a massive invasion of your privacy. HEY blocks these trackers and tells you who's spying on you. Fix bad subjects without busting threads If you don’t start the thread, you're often stuck with other people’s generic, non-descriptive email subjects. With HEY, you can rename a subject so it makes sense for you without changing things for the other person. Add private notes to any email thread Conversations may start in email, but they may continue somewhere else. Some emails turn into lunches or calls or video conferences. Where do you put the notes from those - especially if they relate to the initial email conversation? With HEY, you can add personal, private notes (and files) to any thread. This way you keep everything related to the conversation on one page, even if it didn't all happen via email. Notifications you control HEY push notifications are off by default so your phone doesn’t steal your attention every time an inconsequential email hits your inbox. However, HEY lets you selectively turn them on for specific contacts or threads so you don't miss the things you really care about. A built-in ‘Reply Later’ workflow What if you need to reply, but you don't have time right now? With HEY, just click the “Reply Later” button to move an email to a dedicated ‘Reply Later’ pile at the bottom of the screen so you don’t lose or forget it. Stop heavy senders from dominating your inbox When you get lots of emails from someone, they can take over your Inbox. With HEY, you can choose to bundle a sender into a single row. This means no matter how many emails they send you, they'll only take up a single row in your Inbox. Clean, controlled, and calm. Get off threads without having to ask Stuck on a mega email chain and want off? Good luck asking someone to remove you. With HEY, you can unfollow any thread and replies won’t show up as new emails anymore. Out of your face forever.


Selected Solutions



「倍速阅读」是一个能够提高你阅读速度的阅读器,帮助你提高阅读速度的同时,更专注,更高效。应用通过专属训练计划,帮助你科学提速,习得 “一目十行” 的能力,更含有 20+ 趣味游戏任务,让阅读更有趣。


一个只在本地管理忧虑的 APP,也是积极解决焦虑的好助手!APP 提供了一个让用户勇于直面焦虑的方式,分析问题的程度,提出处理方法,用日记来记录自己的行动历程,积极的行动与放松的心情是解决焦虑的两大神器。「远忧」会引导使用者接受并解决生活中的焦虑点,保持平常心态钝感,鼓励自己前行。



HEY Email
Basecamp, LLC


· 15个评分

It’s “you’ll never go back” better HEY replaces workarounds, messy hacks, and daily frustrations, with built-in workflows, effortless organization, and clever features that levels-up email in meaningful ways. Screen emails like you screen calls You screen your calls, so why can't you screen your emails? With HEY, you can. HEY puts you in complete control of who's allowed to email you. Don't want to hear from someone? Screen them out and won’t hear from them again. Naturally grouped Inboxes are typically an intertwined mess of new and old messages haphazardly mixed together. Yuck. With HEY, new messages are always grouped together at the top, and previously seen emails are always at the bottom. Neat and orderly by default. No need to wade through the inbox jungle with a machete. Spread ’em out, read ’em together Let's say you have 7 unread emails. Why do you have to open one, close one, open one, close one, open one, close one, and so on. It's rediculously inefficient. With HEY, you can open multiple emails at once and just scroll though them, just like you would a newsfeed. It's a revolutionary way to read your emails. You'll never go back to the old way. Find files without pulling your hair out If you’re looking for an attachment, why should you have to find an email first? That’s backwards. With HEY, you get an attachment library that gathers up every attachment you’ve ever received in one organized, siftable place. Just set it aside Sometimes you get emails you need to reference later - travel info, handy links, numbers you need, etc. With HEY, you can 'Set Aside' any email in a neat little pile for easy access whenever you need it. At hand, but out of your face. Put receipts in The Paper Trail Receipts, confirmations, and transactional emails getting in your way? With HEY, you can send those types of emails to The Paper Trail where they'll be out of your way, but easy to find when you need them. Blocking email spies 24/7/365 Many companies track which emails you open, how often you open them, and even where you were when you opened them. It's a massive invasion of your privacy. HEY blocks these trackers and tells you who's spying on you. Fix bad subjects without busting threads If you don’t start the thread, you're often stuck with other people’s generic, non-descriptive email subjects. With HEY, you can rename a subject so it makes sense for you without changing things for the other person. Add private notes to any email thread Conversations may start in email, but they may continue somewhere else. Some emails turn into lunches or calls or video conferences. Where do you put the notes from those - especially if they relate to the initial email conversation? With HEY, you can add personal, private notes (and files) to any thread. This way you keep everything related to the conversation on one page, even if it didn't all happen via email. Notifications you control HEY push notifications are off by default so your phone doesn’t steal your attention every time an inconsequential email hits your inbox. However, HEY lets you selectively turn them on for specific contacts or threads so you don't miss the things you really care about. A built-in ‘Reply Later’ workflow What if you need to reply, but you don't have time right now? With HEY, just click the “Reply Later” button to move an email to a dedicated ‘Reply Later’ pile at the bottom of the screen so you don’t lose or forget it. Stop heavy senders from dominating your inbox When you get lots of emails from someone, they can take over your Inbox. With HEY, you can choose to bundle a sender into a single row. This means no matter how many emails they send you, they'll only take up a single row in your Inbox. Clean, controlled, and calm. Get off threads without having to ask Stuck on a mega email chain and want off? Good luck asking someone to remove you. With HEY, you can unfollow any thread and replies won’t show up as new emails anymore. Out of your face forever.


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「倍速阅读」是一个能够提高你阅读速度的阅读器,帮助你提高阅读速度的同时,更专注,更高效。应用通过专属训练计划,帮助你科学提速,习得 “一目十行” 的能力,更含有 20+ 趣味游戏任务,让阅读更有趣。


一个只在本地管理忧虑的 APP,也是积极解决焦虑的好助手!APP 提供了一个让用户勇于直面焦虑的方式,分析问题的程度,提出处理方法,用日记来记录自己的行动历程,积极的行动与放松的心情是解决焦虑的两大神器。「远忧」会引导使用者接受并解决生活中的焦虑点,保持平常心态钝感,鼓励自己前行。



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