Pinpoint: Screenshot Editor
You take screenshots. But sometimes you need to mark them up a bit before sharing them with your friends (or enemies). You know: point stuff out, blur out your business, jot down thoughts. Pinpoint’s got you covered.
With Pinpoint you can:
• See all the screenshots you’ve ever taken
• Draw arrows and boxes to pinpoint the important parts or the stuff that’s weird
• Write text to explain what you’re thinking
• Blur out your sensitive info to keep it from prying eyes
• Share your finished screenshot masterpiece with literally anyone
• Ditch the original screenshot so it’s not clogging up your photo library
• Get new colors so that you’re cooler than your friends
That’s it. It’s super simple by design. One thing: mark up your screenshots.
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基于金字塔原理重塑笔记组织方式,让碎片化知识形成清晰有序的 结构,更有 AI 助力高效记录灵感、一键梳理大纲和要点、深度洞察 知识脉络,全面激活你的知识体系。