Heydai, LLC
Do you know where your time goes? A desire to answer that question is why Heydai exists.
With Heydai, you can effortlessly log the past and plan your future on a visual timeline.
Categorize your time to see breakdowns by day, week, and month on your dashboard.
Set goals to plan and track where you want your time to be going.
Receive mindful check-ins every morning and evening to keep you present and balanced.
Key features:
- Visual timeline to log and plan your days
- Timeline recommendations
- Goal setting and tracking
- Dashboard insights
- Mindful check-ins every morning and evening
- Repeating tasks
- Apple Calendar integration
- History charts
- Dark mode
- And more
Don't wait to make every day your Heydai. Download now!
EULA: https://heydai.app/eula
Privacy: https://heydai.app/privacy
ProKnockOut 是一款强大的图像处理工具,以智能抠图为核心,集成了图片合成、人像美容、照片编辑、消除笔等功能,轻松满足您的各种图片编辑需求。一键智能抠图,轻松应对多数场景,复杂图片也不怕,辅以画笔、套索等工具,专业级抠图效果即刻呈现。内置100+滤镜,从现代艺术到卡通模糊,创意无限。图像合成功能强大,多图无缝拼接,打造惊艳效果。海量精美贴纸与背景,激发无限创意,旅行照片也能玩出新花样。完全支持透明PNG格式,导入导出随心所欲。此外,它还配备了全面的照片编辑器,调整、修复、美化,一应俱全,让您的照片焕发新生。ProKnockOut,图像处理的不二之选。
超高清主题类型的天气 APP,也可以使用任意图片作为主题,全球任意维度的天气状况瞬间掌握,APP 还有天气相机、天气日历等丰富功能,一个干净清爽又及时的预报天气工具~
这一款“会说话”的提醒软件,它在 AppStore 里的名字很直白,就叫做“语音通知”!因为它的核心功能就是——用各种个性化的语言,如一个真人在用户耳边做口头提醒:“谁谁谁,你该干什么了!