Explain Everything Whiteboard
In class and remote learning
Explain Everything Whiteboard now on macOS!
The iPad App Store Trend of the Year 2020 award-winning interactive whiteboard is now also available as a native macOS app.
Join the millions of teachers, students, tutors, creatives, and consultants from around the world who have chosen Explain Everything as their whiteboard. Jump into a multimedia-powered space where you can teach, learn, and share your ideas. Or—if you’re already on board—enjoy the powerful app you know, now with features tailored for macOS.
Replace your physical whiteboard with an infinite digital canvas you can use anywhere. Mix drawing and handwriting with imported documents and multimedia for better learner engagement. Invite students or teachers to the whiteboard during live presentations or to co-create video. Bring static slides to life – record content! Never lose your teaching materials again. Save your time and save paper.
Use the Explain Everything Whiteboard app to:
• Digitize, create, store, and share your teaching materials.
• Draw, write, sketchnote, visualize, Scribble with Apple Pencil, explain, show live in the classroom or online.
• Record and edit whiteboard video lessons for effective blended learning.
• Integrate with popular Learning Management Systems to create various whiteboard assignments.
This digital whiteboard for teachers is a powerhouse of features and integrations:
• Import and Export content through integrations with iCloud, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, and Evernote.
• Use images, documents, video and audio files, and projects in many formats, like: .png, .gif, .jpg, .pdf, .doc, .pages, .xls, .ppt, .iwb, .mp4, .mov, .mp3, .wav, .m4a, .xpl, .ipt and many more.
• Enrich your materials with images and GIFs, Sticky Notes, Clipart, 3D Models, Shapes, Web Browser, Equations, hyperlinks, text boxes, different backgrounds and patterns, pen and pencil drawings, highlights and more.
• Capture everything that happens on the screen with the easy animation recording. Split, trim, cut, delete, compact, smooth out movement, and see the result immediately. Render and host your videos for you in the Explain Drive cloud, so you can save time and storage. Use Center Stage to include yourself with dynamic video capturing.
• Share your materials as images, PDFs, MP4s, or web video links for instant watch or editable projects.
• Stream your presentations through SharePlay or popular conferencing tools, including Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
• Assign whiteboard lessons, tasks, and videos to students through all the most popular LMSs and class organization tools, like: Google Classroom, Canvas, Moodle, Schoology, Blackboard, and more.
• Present or whiteboard together in real time with voice chat on any device, anywhere. Set up different collaboration scenarios, turn on and off editing tools for your audience, have them follow you or work on a task with or without you.
• Save and share your whiteboard lessons with students.
• Organize your teaching content and use it on any device.
• Create a rich lesson library that you don’t need to carry in a bag.
• Capture every action performed on the canvas.
• Use the Camera Frame for more control over parts that get recorded.
• 3 different recording modes to edit and enrich your recordings.
• Use the recordings to support your blended learning, give feedback and explain.
• Invite students to use whiteboard videos to share their thinking.
• Use the collaborative whiteboard for a virtual classroom and live presentations.
• Share your canvas in the Explain Drive cloud to assign your students tasks or group work.
• Use Explain Everything with popular LMSs to create whiteboard assignments with Explain Everything.
• Create cloud whiteboard teaching materials to make them available from any device, anywhere.
Terms of use:
ProKnockOut 是一款强大的图像处理工具,以智能抠图为核心,集成了图片合成、人像美容、照片编辑、消除笔等功能,轻松满足您的各种图片编辑需求。一键智能抠图,轻松应对多数场景,复杂图片也不怕,辅以画笔、套索等工具,专业级抠图效果即刻呈现。内置100+滤镜,从现代艺术到卡通模糊,创意无限。图像合成功能强大,多图无缝拼接,打造惊艳效果。海量精美贴纸与背景,激发无限创意,旅行照片也能玩出新花样。完全支持透明PNG格式,导入导出随心所欲。此外,它还配备了全面的照片编辑器,调整、修复、美化,一应俱全,让您的照片焕发新生。ProKnockOut,图像处理的不二之选。
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这一款“会说话”的提醒软件,它在 AppStore 里的名字很直白,就叫做“语音通知”!因为它的核心功能就是——用各种个性化的语言,如一个真人在用户耳边做口头提醒:“谁谁谁,你该干什么了!