Bullet Mobile

Bullet Mobile

Bullet Mobile

Bullet Mobile

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 14个评分

Bullet: Your Personal Growth Companion
Capture Your Thoughts, Declutter Your Mind
With Bullet, transform your daily hustle into a journey of personal growth. Designed for those who seek clarity amidst chaos, Bullet is more than just an app; it's your companion in capturing fleeting thoughts, organizing tasks, and embracing personal evolution. Whether you're jotting down tasks, reflections, or future events, Bullet ensures your mental space is clear and focused, enabling you to achieve your goals with ease.
Features Designed for You
- Flexible Scheduling: Assign your entries to days, weeks, months, or even years, adapting to your life's rhythm.
- Subtasks & Repeating Tasks: Break down big goals into manageable actions and set routines that stick.
- Organization at Its Best: With lists, tags, and an inbox, keep everything sorted just the way you like.
- Calendar Integration: Seamlessly blend your tasks and events with your existing calendar, ensuring you never miss a beat.
- Markdown Support: For the detail-oriented, Markdown support allows your notes to be as rich and dynamic as your thoughts.
- Prompts: Stuck for words? Craft prompts to help you introspect and articulate your innermost thoughts.
- Sublists & Images: Enhance your entries with detailed sublists and images, making your digital journal vivid and vibrant.
- Effortless Migration & Search: Quickly bring over your thoughts from anywhere and find what you need with a powerful search feature.
- Cloud Sync: Access your thoughts from any device, anywhere, ensuring your ideas are always with you.
- Guest Mode: Share the experience without sharing your personal journey, perfect for when you need to collaborate.
Bullet is not just about productivity; it's about making personal growth effortless and satisfying. Designed to be responsibly flexible, intuitive, useful, reliable, and beautiful, Bullet aims to be a tool that you enjoy using every day. It's not just about doing more; it's about being more.
Why Bullet?
Make Growth Effortless: We believe personal growth should be a natural part of your daily routine, not a chore.
Responsibly Flexible: Adaptability without the overwhelm. Tailor Bullet to fit your life, not the other way around.
Intuitive Design: Spend less time figuring out how to use the app and more time on what matters - your growth.
Reliable Companion: Trust Bullet to keep your thoughts safe and synchronized across all your devices.
Satisfying Experience: Enjoy the beautiful design and satisfying user experience that makes personal journaling and task management a pleasure.
A Canvas for Your Life: With Bullet, your thoughts, tasks, and aspirations find a beautiful space to thrive.
Join the Journey of Personal Growth
Download Bullet today and start your journey towards a clearer mind and a more fulfilled life. Let's make personal growth a beautiful, intuitive, and effortless part of your everyday.

6 秒抓住 HR 的眼球
黑马简历是一款专为职场人士和求职者设计的智能简历助手,旨在帮助用户快速打造专业、高效的求职简历。通过最先进的人工智能技术,我们提供一站式的简历制作与职位申请解决方案,让求职变得更简单、更高效。<br/>主要功能:<br/>1. 智能生成简历信息 <br/> 输入个人基本信息和职业经历,黑马简历将自动为您生成结构完整、内容丰富的简历。智能分析您的专业技能和经验,高效生成符合职业发展需求的简历内容。<br/>2. 海量优质简历模板 <br/> 提供多种风格和格式的简历模板,涵盖各行各业,满足不同的求职需求。用户可以根据个人喜好和应聘岗位的特点,选择最合适的模板,快速构建专业形象。<br/>3. 智能优化简历 <br/> 根据行业趋势和招聘需求,智能推荐简历内容的优化建议,帮助用户突出关键技能和成就,提高简历的竞争力。<br/>4. 智能匹配岗位 <br/> 结合用户的专业背景和职业目标,智能匹配适合的职位。通过深度学习算法分析职位要求与用户简历的匹配度,推荐最有可能成功的求职机会。<br/>5. 智能1v1聊天面试 <br/> 模拟真实面试场景,通过1对1的智能聊天形式进行面试练习。系统根据用户的简历和申请岗位,提出针对性的面试问题,帮助用户提升面试技巧和自信心。<br/>【自动订阅服务说明】<br/>1.订阅服务分别为:<br/>轻奢会员,¥98/季度;<br/>畅享包月,¥68/月;<br/>2.付款:用户确认购买并付款后计入iTunes账户<br/>3.自动续费:Apple iTunes账户会在前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期<br/>4.关闭服务:您可以在苹果手机“设置”-->进入iTunesStore与App Store”-->点击“ApplelD”选择“查看<br/>ApplelD”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,管理自动订阅服务,如需取消每个,周期定时器结束前24小时关<br/>闭即可,停止前24小时内则不再扣费<br/>5.服务协议:https://zenapps.cn/pages/heima/ipaProtocol<br/>6.隐私协议:https://zenapps.cn/pages/heima/privacyios

Selected Solutions



一款功能完备的 Apple 平台视频播放器,几乎支持所有视频格式(如mp4、mkv、webm、avi、rmvb、wmv),不仅可以播放本地或局域网 smb/webdav 协议和 NAS 网络存储(如群晖)上的视频文件,还支持直接挂载播放阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、Google Drive、Dropbox、One Drive 上的影片高清播放及字幕调整,兼容 iOS、Mac 和 Apple TV,直连 Emby、Jellyfin、Plex 等视频服务器,能智能匹配文件名并获取电影、剧集封面、演员等信息,自动整理影视资源并提供全局搜索功能。




基于金字塔原理重塑笔记组织方式,让碎片化知识形成清晰有序的 结构,更有 AI 助力高效记录灵感、一键梳理大纲和要点、深度洞察 知识脉络,全面激活你的知识体系。

Bullet Mobile
Bullet Mobile


· 14个评分
Bullet: Your Personal Growth Companion
Capture Your Thoughts, Declutter Your Mind
With Bullet, transform your daily hustle into a journey of personal growth. Designed for those who seek clarity amidst chaos, Bullet is more than just an app; it's your companion in capturing fleeting thoughts, organizing tasks, and embracing personal evolution. Whether you're jotting down tasks, reflections, or future events, Bullet ensures your mental space is clear and focused, enabling you to achieve your goals with ease.
Features Designed for You
- Flexible Scheduling: Assign your entries to days, weeks, months, or even years, adapting to your life's rhythm.
- Subtasks & Repeating Tasks: Break down big goals into manageable actions and set routines that stick.
- Organization at Its Best: With lists, tags, and an inbox, keep everything sorted just the way you like.
- Calendar Integration: Seamlessly blend your tasks and events with your existing calendar, ensuring you never miss a beat.
- Markdown Support: For the detail-oriented, Markdown support allows your notes to be as rich and dynamic as your thoughts.
- Prompts: Stuck for words? Craft prompts to help you introspect and articulate your innermost thoughts.
- Sublists & Images: Enhance your entries with detailed sublists and images, making your digital journal vivid and vibrant.
- Effortless Migration & Search: Quickly bring over your thoughts from anywhere and find what you need with a powerful search feature.
- Cloud Sync: Access your thoughts from any device, anywhere, ensuring your ideas are always with you.
- Guest Mode: Share the experience without sharing your personal journey, perfect for when you need to collaborate.
Bullet is not just about productivity; it's about making personal growth effortless and satisfying. Designed to be responsibly flexible, intuitive, useful, reliable, and beautiful, Bullet aims to be a tool that you enjoy using every day. It's not just about doing more; it's about being more.
Why Bullet?
Make Growth Effortless: We believe personal growth should be a natural part of your daily routine, not a chore.
Responsibly Flexible: Adaptability without the overwhelm. Tailor Bullet to fit your life, not the other way around.
Intuitive Design: Spend less time figuring out how to use the app and more time on what matters - your growth.
Reliable Companion: Trust Bullet to keep your thoughts safe and synchronized across all your devices.
Satisfying Experience: Enjoy the beautiful design and satisfying user experience that makes personal journaling and task management a pleasure.
A Canvas for Your Life: With Bullet, your thoughts, tasks, and aspirations find a beautiful space to thrive.
Join the Journey of Personal Growth
Download Bullet today and start your journey towards a clearer mind and a more fulfilled life. Let's make personal growth a beautiful, intuitive, and effortless part of your everyday.
🚀 一款轻量化的启动器软件,界面简洁美观、操作便捷,并且支持插件开发。支持全键盘操作。开发者目前处于积极开发中,对用户反馈基本可以做到当天应答。 🥳 目前已有功能: 快速启动应用、快捷链接、剪贴板历史、插件开发,所有的功能均为免费功能;支持魔法悬浮窗,可以通过中键唤起并且快速拖动操作各种快捷指令(目前支持翻译功能) 💡 未来计划功能:AI 功能、配置云同步、鼠标唤起轮盘功能、随处收藏功能和更强大的魔法悬浮窗。
黑马简历是一款专为职场人士和求职者设计的智能简历助手,旨在帮助用户快速打造专业、高效的求职简历。通过最先进的人工智能技术,我们提供一站式的简历制作与职位申请解决方案,让求职变得更简单、更高效。<br/>主要功能:<br/>1. 智能生成简历信息 <br/> 输入个人基本信息和职业经历,黑马简历将自动为您生成结构完整、内容丰富的简历。智能分析您的专业技能和经验,高效生成符合职业发展需求的简历内容。<br/>2. 海量优质简历模板 <br/> 提供多种风格和格式的简历模板,涵盖各行各业,满足不同的求职需求。用户可以根据个人喜好和应聘岗位的特点,选择最合适的模板,快速构建专业形象。<br/>3. 智能优化简历 <br/> 根据行业趋势和招聘需求,智能推荐简历内容的优化建议,帮助用户突出关键技能和成就,提高简历的竞争力。<br/>4. 智能匹配岗位 <br/> 结合用户的专业背景和职业目标,智能匹配适合的职位。通过深度学习算法分析职位要求与用户简历的匹配度,推荐最有可能成功的求职机会。<br/>5. 智能1v1聊天面试 <br/> 模拟真实面试场景,通过1对1的智能聊天形式进行面试练习。系统根据用户的简历和申请岗位,提出针对性的面试问题,帮助用户提升面试技巧和自信心。<br/>【自动订阅服务说明】<br/>1.订阅服务分别为:<br/>轻奢会员,¥98/季度;<br/>畅享包月,¥68/月;<br/>2.付款:用户确认购买并付款后计入iTunes账户<br/>3.自动续费:Apple iTunes账户会在前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期<br/>4.关闭服务:您可以在苹果手机“设置”-->进入iTunesStore与App Store”-->点击“ApplelD”选择“查看<br/>ApplelD”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,管理自动订阅服务,如需取消每个,周期定时器结束前24小时关<br/>闭即可,停止前24小时内则不再扣费<br/>5.服务协议:https://zenapps.cn/pages/heima/ipaProtocol<br/>6.隐私协议:https://zenapps.cn/pages/heima/privacyios
BlaBla 练口语
Bobo 和 Juicy 是你手机的 24 小时「专业英语陪聊」小伙伴,零压力聊天,每句都会有记录并可以给出分析与优化建议,这里有聊不完的话题,角色扮演、旅行见闻、新鲜资讯等等,越聊越轻松,口语飞速提升! 「BlaBla 练口语」是一个微信公众服务号,像是你在微信里的好友一样,随时找你聊天,给你营造 24 小时的英语口语环境。

一款功能完备的 Apple 平台视频播放器,几乎支持所有视频格式(如mp4、mkv、webm、avi、rmvb、wmv),不仅可以播放本地或局域网 smb/webdav 协议和 NAS 网络存储(如群晖)上的视频文件,还支持直接挂载播放阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、Google Drive、Dropbox、One Drive 上的影片高清播放及字幕调整,兼容 iOS、Mac 和 Apple TV,直连 Emby、Jellyfin、Plex 等视频服务器,能智能匹配文件名并获取电影、剧集封面、演员等信息,自动整理影视资源并提供全局搜索功能。




基于金字塔原理重塑笔记组织方式,让碎片化知识形成清晰有序的 结构,更有 AI 助力高效记录灵感、一键梳理大纲和要点、深度洞察 知识脉络,全面激活你的知识体系。

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