Jollyturns Ski & Snowboarding
JollyTurns LLC
Jollyturns offers the most comprehensive ski resort information. Keep track of you skiing or riding statistics. Easily find your friends on the ski resort's map and meet them. Get up-to-date, detailed ski resort information.
• Detailed information on more than 2700 ski resorts in US, Canada, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Bulgaria, Finland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and many more. Ski resort information includes lifts, ski runs, lodges, restaurants, weather and snow information. We're constantly working on adding new ski resorts throughout the world. Please contact us if you don't see your favorite resort on the list.
• Interactive maps: tap anywhere on a ski resort's map to get more information on what you tapped on. It works at all the ski resorts in the world!
• Apple Watch support: see your statistics and which friends are on a mountain directly on your wrist.
• Records your day on the mountain. Automatically checks you in and out of a ski resort, no need to remember to push a button for the GPS recording to start. You just ski or snowboard, and the app records your day. You can view your own statistics on a per-day or per-season basis, as well as your friends'.
• Keeps track of where you and your friends are on the mountain. See your location, as well as your friends' location, on the ski resort's map, instead of on an unfamiliar topographic map.
• Lets you meet with your friends on the mountain. Simply pick the friends you want to meet with, specify a location on the mountain by selecting it on the map, choose a time, and send a meet request. Your friends will receive the meet request when they have cell phone coverage. There's no need to text or call multiple people.
• Share your statistics on Facebook, Twitter or via email.
One credit for a ski resort of your choice is included, so you can try out the application. Credits for additional ski resorts can be purchased from within the application.
The application uses the GPS sensor on your phone to obtain location information. Please note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
ProKnockOut 是一款强大的图像处理工具,以智能抠图为核心,集成了图片合成、人像美容、照片编辑、消除笔等功能,轻松满足您的各种图片编辑需求。一键智能抠图,轻松应对多数场景,复杂图片也不怕,辅以画笔、套索等工具,专业级抠图效果即刻呈现。内置100+滤镜,从现代艺术到卡通模糊,创意无限。图像合成功能强大,多图无缝拼接,打造惊艳效果。海量精美贴纸与背景,激发无限创意,旅行照片也能玩出新花样。完全支持透明PNG格式,导入导出随心所欲。此外,它还配备了全面的照片编辑器,调整、修复、美化,一应俱全,让您的照片焕发新生。ProKnockOut,图像处理的不二之选。
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这一款“会说话”的提醒软件,它在 AppStore 里的名字很直白,就叫做“语音通知”!因为它的核心功能就是——用各种个性化的语言,如一个真人在用户耳边做口头提醒:“谁谁谁,你该干什么了!