Health Glance
Andras Solyom
If app does not show on your Watch after purchase, please read troubleshooting steps at the end of this description.
Health Glance is a standalone Watch app that provides customisable health data complications, with support for multiple different complications. You can also view health data in the app, without using complications.
- Support most data types from HealthKit (i.e. data that you can also see in the Health app on your iPhone)
- Add multiple complication configurations, and set any of them as a complication, support for multiple different complications at the same time
- Support for all watch faces and complication slots
- Summary of all configured data when you open the app
- Set goals, complications can show difference from goal, or percentage completed
- Configure period for data. E.g. 7 day average Weight, Step Count from last 24 hours, Yesterday walking distance. All data types have many period types to choose from
- Configure unit
- Set custom icon, from a selection of more than 100 icons
- Complication second line can show icon, unit, or can be hidden
- Set colors, separately for value and icon (only for multicolor watch faces)
- Option to hide unit
- Complications update every 20 minutes, if it's not enough you can open the app any time to see the most up-to-date data
- Standalone watch app means there is no iPhone app, you can configure everything on your watch
The application only stores data needed for your complications, and stores this data locally, on your watch. The app never connects to the internet or any 3rd party service.
- Application doesn't show on Watch after purchase:
Please go to the App Store on your Watch (not iPhone) and find the app here either by searching the name, or by going to Account (at the bottom), Purchased, and download the app from here.
- Application/complication shows 0 for some data:
a) There is no data in Health for that type and period.
b) You didn't authorise HealthKit access on the first launch. On your iPhone go to Health app > Account > Privacy > Apps > Health Glance.
c) New data added on your iPhone takes couple minutes to sync with your watch.
这款多功能 APP 集成了电子书阅读、音乐播放、互动卡片、漫画阅读、3D 模型预览及个性相册六大核心功能。电子书模块支持 txt 和 epub 格式,提供听书模式、个性化字体设置、智能陪读等功能。音乐播放器支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的音频处理选项和背景故事生成。互动卡片功能允许用户编辑文本、设置封面、添加动画效果,并通过 AI 辅助创作个性化的卡片。漫画阅读部分兼容主流图像格式,提供流畅的翻阅体验和视觉保护模式。3D 预览功能让用户可以自由操作模型视角,享受高清视觉盛宴。个性相册则帮助用户高效管理个人照片库,实现照片的美化和展示。此 APP致力于为用户提供全方位的数字娱乐和创意表达平台。
这款多功能 APP 集成了电子书阅读、音乐播放、互动卡片、漫画阅读、3D 模型预览及个性相册六大核心功能。电子书模块支持 txt 和 epub 格式,提供听书模式、个性化字体设置、智能陪读等功能。音乐播放器支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的音频处理选项和背景故事生成。互动卡片功能允许用户编辑文本、设置封面、添加动画效果,并通过 AI 辅助创作个性化的卡片。漫画阅读部分兼容主流图像格式,提供流畅的翻阅体验和视觉保护模式。3D 预览功能让用户可以自由操作模型视角,享受高清视觉盛宴。个性相册则帮助用户高效管理个人照片库,实现照片的美化和展示。此 APP致力于为用户提供全方位的数字娱乐和创意表达平台。