Hear - Advanced Listening

Reality Jockey Ltd.

Hear - Advanced Listening

Hear - Advanced Listening

Reality Jockey Ltd.

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 78个评分

Listen to the world in an amazing new way with Augment.
●●● A top 3 app in health and fitness! ●●●

This app gives you unlimited control over real-world sound. Simply plug in your existing headphones and listen through one of the 7 free filters and 2 new paid filters!

‟It’s like legal drugs with no side effects - it’s fantastic” PHARRELL WILLIAMS

It harmonizes your hearing to help you be less distracted and reduce stress. It filters your acoustic environment, takes out harsh sounds and turns noise into tranquil harmonies. If you use this app you will become more focused and relaxed.

"I haven't left my house in over 15 years. After using this app for about two hours I have the courage to go to my local grocery store and feel the sunshine on my face." Ryanjam

Pro tip - You can also listen to your own music at the same time as using this app. It's great in any situation when you want to listen to music but still need to hear your environment. Try it at work or when jogging.

Attention - We do not currently support bluetooth headsets because bluetooth audio does not support high quality microphone realtime audio ( full duplex operation ). Our audio technicians are looking into this as we speak!


● SUPER HEARING - Listen with superhuman detail and quality - pro EQ included
● RELAX - Lose yourself in harmonic waves of bliss.
● HAPPY - Turn sounds around you into cascades of happiness - psychedelic!
● TALK - Fed up of boring voices? Auto-tune them into music.
● OFFICE - Can’t concentrate? Detach yourself and focus.
● SLEEP - Induce the deep and surreal dreams.
● AUTO VOLUME - Mute background noise, but still hear people when they talk to you.
● TRIPPY (New) - Beware, includes hallucinations without side-effects!
● UPBEAT (New) - Transforms the world around you into ever changing rhythms.

Each filter can be easily adjusted to dramatically change how the world around you sounds.

This app is brought to you by the original pioneers of augmented sound, the RjDj team, makers of the legendary RjDj and Inception App, which hit no1 in the AppStore and over 7 million downloads.

This app is the evolution of the RjDj augmented sound technology- download to listen for yourself!

Quotes about RjDj augmented sound :

“Hey, It’s mushrooms without the mushrooms!” John Mahoney, GIZMODO

“The most trippy app on the iPhone” Jason Kincaid, TECHCRUNCH

“If you’ve ever consumed psychedelics, the auditory effects are very similar..” Joel Johnson, BOING BOING

“It’s completely awesome and kind of surreal. An experience that’s not easy to describe in words.” Federico Vittici, MACSTORIES

"The iPhone's trippiest app has to be heard to be understood— and it's a blast." theverge.com

"This App Gives You Trippy Super-Hearing Powers Through Your Earbuds." www.fastcodesign.com/

"Hear for iOS turns the world into a surreal, useful soundscape" Thenextweb.com


Selected Solutions



AI 简历生成、简历润色和 AI 模拟面试等功能,可根据指定的求职岗位,一键快速生成高匹配的简历内容,提供海量免费简历模板。AI 会自动完成简历排版优化,根据简历模拟一对一面试,提升面试技巧,轻松获取最佳 Offer。




一个 App = 汉语大词典 + 国语辞典 + 成语词典 + 康熙字典 + 说文解字 + 六书通 + 字源 + 大量佛学辞典等等。内置丰富编码查字,部件 + 五笔 + 拼音 + 笔顺 + 仓颉,能查 7W+ 的汉字,几乎囊括所有的汉字。还有各种通俗易懂的国学入门教程:三字经讲记、千字文讲记、细讲弟子规视频、甲骨文字与六书等等。 不论你是刚升入小学的孩童,还是已经在深入研究古文字的专业人员,均可在此 App 中受益匪浅。

Hear - Advanced Listening
Reality Jockey Ltd.


· 78个评分
Listen to the world in an amazing new way with Augment.
●●● A top 3 app in health and fitness! ●●●

This app gives you unlimited control over real-world sound. Simply plug in your existing headphones and listen through one of the 7 free filters and 2 new paid filters!

‟It’s like legal drugs with no side effects - it’s fantastic” PHARRELL WILLIAMS

It harmonizes your hearing to help you be less distracted and reduce stress. It filters your acoustic environment, takes out harsh sounds and turns noise into tranquil harmonies. If you use this app you will become more focused and relaxed.

"I haven't left my house in over 15 years. After using this app for about two hours I have the courage to go to my local grocery store and feel the sunshine on my face." Ryanjam

Pro tip - You can also listen to your own music at the same time as using this app. It's great in any situation when you want to listen to music but still need to hear your environment. Try it at work or when jogging.

Attention - We do not currently support bluetooth headsets because bluetooth audio does not support high quality microphone realtime audio ( full duplex operation ). Our audio technicians are looking into this as we speak!


● SUPER HEARING - Listen with superhuman detail and quality - pro EQ included
● RELAX - Lose yourself in harmonic waves of bliss.
● HAPPY - Turn sounds around you into cascades of happiness - psychedelic!
● TALK - Fed up of boring voices? Auto-tune them into music.
● OFFICE - Can’t concentrate? Detach yourself and focus.
● SLEEP - Induce the deep and surreal dreams.
● AUTO VOLUME - Mute background noise, but still hear people when they talk to you.
● TRIPPY (New) - Beware, includes hallucinations without side-effects!
● UPBEAT (New) - Transforms the world around you into ever changing rhythms.

Each filter can be easily adjusted to dramatically change how the world around you sounds.

This app is brought to you by the original pioneers of augmented sound, the RjDj team, makers of the legendary RjDj and Inception App, which hit no1 in the AppStore and over 7 million downloads.

This app is the evolution of the RjDj augmented sound technology- download to listen for yourself!

Quotes about RjDj augmented sound :

“Hey, It’s mushrooms without the mushrooms!” John Mahoney, GIZMODO

“The most trippy app on the iPhone” Jason Kincaid, TECHCRUNCH

“If you’ve ever consumed psychedelics, the auditory effects are very similar..” Joel Johnson, BOING BOING

“It’s completely awesome and kind of surreal. An experience that’s not easy to describe in words.” Federico Vittici, MACSTORIES

"The iPhone's trippiest app has to be heard to be understood— and it's a blast." theverge.com

"This App Gives You Trippy Super-Hearing Powers Through Your Earbuds." www.fastcodesign.com/

"Hear for iOS turns the world into a surreal, useful soundscape" Thenextweb.com

AI 简历生成、简历润色和 AI 模拟面试等功能,可根据指定的求职岗位,一键快速生成高匹配的简历内容,提供海量免费简历模板。AI 会自动完成简历排版优化,根据简历模拟一对一面试,提升面试技巧,轻松获取最佳 Offer。




一个 App = 汉语大词典 + 国语辞典 + 成语词典 + 康熙字典 + 说文解字 + 六书通 + 字源 + 大量佛学辞典等等。内置丰富编码查字,部件 + 五笔 + 拼音 + 笔顺 + 仓颉,能查 7W+ 的汉字,几乎囊括所有的汉字。还有各种通俗易懂的国学入门教程:三字经讲记、千字文讲记、细讲弟子规视频、甲骨文字与六书等等。 不论你是刚升入小学的孩童,还是已经在深入研究古文字的专业人员,均可在此 App 中受益匪浅。

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