Medum: Chance Timer
Medum GmbH
This app helps you improve your perception of time and regulate your motivation. Every future-oriented action, such as working towards goals or deadlines, requires motivation. Your perception of time determines when motivation kicks in - whether you are productive or procrastinating. Poor time perception leads to motivation kicking in too late. As a result, you find it difficult to start work on time, as motivation only arises when you don't have enough time to achieve your goals.
The Chance Timer uses an innovative approach in which the chance of an alarm increases exponentially and is never ruled out. This allows you to artificially create the feeling of not having enough time and thereby gain the motivation to act:
1. Set a Chance Timer for goals or tasks. Since the alarm could go off at any time, you constantly feel like you don't have enough time and thereby gain the motivation to act.
2. Achieve your goals or tasks before the alarm, as the alarm chance exponentially increases and almost always triggers near the maximum time.
- Chance Timer
- Second chance: If you have worked well, you can extend the time as a reward
- Three difficulty levels: Increase the level of difficulty and boost motivation
- To Do Liste
- AM/PM or 24-hour format
Do you regularly procrastinate and put off important tasks? Are you often running late and find it challenging to meet deadlines or goals? Do you struggle to motivate yourself? If this applies to you, you probably don't have a good perception of time or suffer from time blindness (symptom of ADHD). Improve your perception of time and therefore your productivity with Medum. Bring your future into the present; your motivation into the here and now!
这是一款非常激动人心的 app, 用于隐藏手机相册、密码本、联系人、文件系统管理的应用程序,提供双层加密空间。 而且是一款非常安全可靠的应用程序,手机上本地独立开辟空间,无需联网,保证了数据的安全。
这款多功能 APP 集成了电子书阅读、音乐播放、互动卡片、漫画阅读、3D 模型预览及个性相册六大核心功能。电子书模块支持 txt 和 epub 格式,提供听书模式、个性化字体设置、智能陪读等功能。音乐播放器支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的音频处理选项和背景故事生成。互动卡片功能允许用户编辑文本、设置封面、添加动画效果,并通过 AI 辅助创作个性化的卡片。漫画阅读部分兼容主流图像格式,提供流畅的翻阅体验和视觉保护模式。3D 预览功能让用户可以自由操作模型视角,享受高清视觉盛宴。个性相册则帮助用户高效管理个人照片库,实现照片的美化和展示。此 APP致力于为用户提供全方位的数字娱乐和创意表达平台。
这是一款非常激动人心的 app, 用于隐藏手机相册、密码本、联系人、文件系统管理的应用程序,提供双层加密空间。 而且是一款非常安全可靠的应用程序,手机上本地独立开辟空间,无需联网,保证了数据的安全。
这款多功能 APP 集成了电子书阅读、音乐播放、互动卡片、漫画阅读、3D 模型预览及个性相册六大核心功能。电子书模块支持 txt 和 epub 格式,提供听书模式、个性化字体设置、智能陪读等功能。音乐播放器支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的音频处理选项和背景故事生成。互动卡片功能允许用户编辑文本、设置封面、添加动画效果,并通过 AI 辅助创作个性化的卡片。漫画阅读部分兼容主流图像格式,提供流畅的翻阅体验和视觉保护模式。3D 预览功能让用户可以自由操作模型视角,享受高清视觉盛宴。个性相册则帮助用户高效管理个人照片库,实现照片的美化和展示。此 APP致力于为用户提供全方位的数字娱乐和创意表达平台。
笔记与录音的完美结合,录音同时生成文字,后面还会记录下一个时间戳,可以凭着这个时间直接跳转重温,笔记还可以用多种编辑文本方式编辑,且可以分享或是导出这个笔记,调节背景音降噪,能获得更佳的效果,APP 还能在 Apple Watch 上使用,记录就是那么方便。