Rainbow countdown, Rainbow~ a minimalist high appearance level cute countdown App.
Plan your time and make the most of all your fragmented time.
Thank you very much for your choice, your support, rainbow countdown will continue to optimize.
The current "rainbow countdown" features
* quick delete left slide, right slide into edit mode, sort as you like.
* supports 3DTouch one-click countdown.
* supports FaceID encryption.
* support the main interface drop-down shortcut to create a countdown.
* support for local notification reminders.
* supports multiple notification ringtones.
* program in the background still support countdown.
* recommended by [Price Tag]
* recommended by minority
* recommended by [AppSo]
You are welcome to give feedback in the comments or App.
JSPP 是一款面向全球的 im 即时通讯软件,它提供了安全、稳定、高效的通讯服务,免费音视频通话,让您随时随地与亲朋好友、同事、企业客户畅聊保持联系。
一个记录抽烟和戒烟的软件,可以帮助用户记录每天抽烟以及戒烟次数,辅助大家戒烟的手机软件。 软件可以很直观的显示你的近期抽烟情况, 并与全国烟民进行横向对比。 同时软件包含了如虚拟香烟、戒烟日记、附件的烟民、烟民俱乐部、ChatGPT 等好玩有趣的功能。
梦幻工坊,是一款支持文生图,图生图,图生文的AI绘图工具,不需要魔法就可以使用各种 AI 工具,也不需要去订阅 MJ,在梦幻工坊只要你想用,就可以直接使用,甚至可以不需要付费,每天都有免费的积分可以白嫖 AI 绘画,而且没有功能限制,全功能都可以使用。