Macro Simulator CNC

Ekaterina Filimonova

Macro Simulator CNC

Macro Simulator CNC

Ekaterina Filimonova

App Introduction

App 介绍

Macro Simulator CNC is a powerful, modern, cross-platform CNC code editor and backplotter for 3-axis CNC milling machines, designed specifically for touch devices.
This software allows among other things allows to:
- quickly create and modify programs using built-in cycles, patterns, templates and other useful functions.
- test CNC programs and debug macro programs
- convert of CNC macro programs into pure g-code,
- simulatate of CNC programs
- learn and improve knowledge of CNC programming by playing with macros, Fanuc/Haas cycles, subroutines and much more
Cycles (micro-commands):
- TOOL - tool call
- SET - changing global data used by other commands
- CYCLE - drilling/tapping cycles
- POCKET - pocket milling (circular and rectangle) and groving milling (circular and rectangle)
- SHOULDER - shoulder milling (circular and rectangle)
- FACE - face milling (3 strategies)
- PATTERN - drilling patterns (4 strategies)
- THREADING - milling threading external and internal
- BORING - helical boring
- MIRROR - reverse coordinates in x, y axis
- ZOOM - resize coordinates x and y
- SHIFT - move coordinates in x, y axis
Program export(disabled in demo version):
- export to pure g-code (converting macro or built-in cycles)
- code compressing
- removing empty lines
- adding decimal point
- adding automatically information about the tool used (at the beginning of the program as before calling it)
Viewport information:
- 3D tool path
- simulation (play, play fast. stop, next, reset, previous, rewind)
- 5 view modes (3D, XY, XY removal, XZ, YZ)
- image rotation in x axis
- zoom
- shift image
- show/hide rapid movement
- simplified representation of tools (max 50 tools)
- metric/imperial mode
- 3 themes (dark, bright, black & white)
G-code/Fanuc/Haas/Mazak ISO support:
- absolute, incremental and polar mode
- G16 polar coordinate
- G51 scaling
- G52 local work shift
- G65/G66 macro subprogram call
- G68 coordinate system rotation
- G98 retract to initial Z value
- G99 retract to R value
- M98 subprogram (multiple formats)
- repeat canned cycle (L and K)
- circular interpolation supported by using (I, J or R)
Haas support:
- G70 Bolt Hole Circle
- G71 Bolt Hole Arc
- G72 Bolt Holes Along an Angle
Macro (Fanuc Custom Macro B) support:
- keywords: IF, THEN, GOTO, WHILE, DO, END
- math functions supported: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sqrt, abs, round, fix, fup, ln, exp, pow
- local, common variables and some of the most popular system variables:
Macro debugger:
- showing current line
- assigned and created variables
- math and logical calculations in line
- for IF and WHILE statement shows the actual value (true or false)
Code editor:
- code highlighting
- formatting
- undo (50 times)/redo
- adding/removing EOB
- adding/removing %
- adding decimal point
- new project
- open file
- open template
- append(to add a subroutine locally)
- save
- save as (nc, cn, ncc, cnc, eia, txt)
- export(to export macro program as a pure g code program)
Input compatibility:
Fanuc 0, Fanuc 6, Fanuc 10, Fanuc 11, Fanuc 12, Fanuc 15, Fanuc 16, Fanuc 18, Fanuc 20, Fanuc 21, Fanuc 30i, Fanuc 31i, Fanuc 32i, Fanuc 35i, Haas, Mazak ISO, Siemens 802D and others using CNC macros based on Fanuc Custom Macro B.
Output compatibility (export):
same as the selected input control, can also be converted to Heidenhain, Sinumerik or other control on request
English, Français, Deutsche, taliano, Español, 한국어, 日本語, Polski, Magyar, Pусский, Português, 中文, Türkçe


Selected Solutions



「boardmix」是一个自由度超高,功能丰富的多人在线协作白板,500 人可实时编辑,AI 加持下可快速生成图片、PPT、思维导图等多种创作能力,不管是个人还是团队,boardmix 都可以满足笔记文档,任务管理,灵感记录,素材手机等等功能,让创造得到无限的发展。


「OmniPlayer」是一款支持 macOS 上几乎所有音频和视频格式的多媒体播放器,支持灵活的倍速播放(0.1 ~ 8 倍),同时支持一键投屏到电视/盒子,支持 DLNA 设备。


「SpeakGuru」是一个十分懂你的 AI 虚拟外国友人,用高情商的各种回复陪你练习英语口语,听力,她会记住你以前的对话内容,引导你将英语会话愉快的进行下去,只要喜欢开口就可以提升水平,超多的应用场景模拟,所有说过的句子都能记录到词汇库与错题本,让你轻松发现问题与改进,即使不知道如何回应,直接用中文代替某个单词或短句,「SpeakGuru」会给出合适的提示让你直接跟读,不知不觉提升口语熟练等级!

Macro Simulator CNC
Ekaterina Filimonova


Macro Simulator CNC is a powerful, modern, cross-platform CNC code editor and backplotter for 3-axis CNC milling machines, designed specifically for touch devices.
This software allows among other things allows to:
- quickly create and modify programs using built-in cycles, patterns, templates and other useful functions.
- test CNC programs and debug macro programs
- convert of CNC macro programs into pure g-code,
- simulatate of CNC programs
- learn and improve knowledge of CNC programming by playing with macros, Fanuc/Haas cycles, subroutines and much more
Cycles (micro-commands):
- TOOL - tool call
- SET - changing global data used by other commands
- CYCLE - drilling/tapping cycles
- POCKET - pocket milling (circular and rectangle) and groving milling (circular and rectangle)
- SHOULDER - shoulder milling (circular and rectangle)
- FACE - face milling (3 strategies)
- PATTERN - drilling patterns (4 strategies)
- THREADING - milling threading external and internal
- BORING - helical boring
- MIRROR - reverse coordinates in x, y axis
- ZOOM - resize coordinates x and y
- SHIFT - move coordinates in x, y axis
Program export(disabled in demo version):
- export to pure g-code (converting macro or built-in cycles)
- code compressing
- removing empty lines
- adding decimal point
- adding automatically information about the tool used (at the beginning of the program as before calling it)
Viewport information:
- 3D tool path
- simulation (play, play fast. stop, next, reset, previous, rewind)
- 5 view modes (3D, XY, XY removal, XZ, YZ)
- image rotation in x axis
- zoom
- shift image
- show/hide rapid movement
- simplified representation of tools (max 50 tools)
- metric/imperial mode
- 3 themes (dark, bright, black & white)
G-code/Fanuc/Haas/Mazak ISO support:
- absolute, incremental and polar mode
- G16 polar coordinate
- G51 scaling
- G52 local work shift
- G65/G66 macro subprogram call
- G68 coordinate system rotation
- G98 retract to initial Z value
- G99 retract to R value
- M98 subprogram (multiple formats)
- repeat canned cycle (L and K)
- circular interpolation supported by using (I, J or R)
Haas support:
- G70 Bolt Hole Circle
- G71 Bolt Hole Arc
- G72 Bolt Holes Along an Angle
Macro (Fanuc Custom Macro B) support:
- keywords: IF, THEN, GOTO, WHILE, DO, END
- math functions supported: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sqrt, abs, round, fix, fup, ln, exp, pow
- local, common variables and some of the most popular system variables:
Macro debugger:
- showing current line
- assigned and created variables
- math and logical calculations in line
- for IF and WHILE statement shows the actual value (true or false)
Code editor:
- code highlighting
- formatting
- undo (50 times)/redo
- adding/removing EOB
- adding/removing %
- adding decimal point
- new project
- open file
- open template
- append(to add a subroutine locally)
- save
- save as (nc, cn, ncc, cnc, eia, txt)
- export(to export macro program as a pure g code program)
Input compatibility:
Fanuc 0, Fanuc 6, Fanuc 10, Fanuc 11, Fanuc 12, Fanuc 15, Fanuc 16, Fanuc 18, Fanuc 20, Fanuc 21, Fanuc 30i, Fanuc 31i, Fanuc 32i, Fanuc 35i, Haas, Mazak ISO, Siemens 802D and others using CNC macros based on Fanuc Custom Macro B.
Output compatibility (export):
same as the selected input control, can also be converted to Heidenhain, Sinumerik or other control on request
English, Français, Deutsche, taliano, Español, 한국어, 日本語, Polski, Magyar, Pусский, Português, 中文, Türkçe

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「boardmix」是一个自由度超高,功能丰富的多人在线协作白板,500 人可实时编辑,AI 加持下可快速生成图片、PPT、思维导图等多种创作能力,不管是个人还是团队,boardmix 都可以满足笔记文档,任务管理,灵感记录,素材手机等等功能,让创造得到无限的发展。


「OmniPlayer」是一款支持 macOS 上几乎所有音频和视频格式的多媒体播放器,支持灵活的倍速播放(0.1 ~ 8 倍),同时支持一键投屏到电视/盒子,支持 DLNA 设备。


「SpeakGuru」是一个十分懂你的 AI 虚拟外国友人,用高情商的各种回复陪你练习英语口语,听力,她会记住你以前的对话内容,引导你将英语会话愉快的进行下去,只要喜欢开口就可以提升水平,超多的应用场景模拟,所有说过的句子都能记录到词汇库与错题本,让你轻松发现问题与改进,即使不知道如何回应,直接用中文代替某个单词或短句,「SpeakGuru」会给出合适的提示让你直接跟读,不知不觉提升口语熟练等级!

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