Goal Streak Calendar
Emily Cheroske
Goal Streak Calendar is a habit tracking app. Visualize your progress for the year on a beautiful calendar. View stats for each of your habits or goals such as your longest streak, or the length of your current streak. Whether you are trying to build a new habit, break an addiction, or simply stick to a New Years Resolution, Goal Streak Calendar will help you!
I built Goal Streak Calendar because I wanted to break a habit of eating too much sugar everyday. After many failed attempts, I decided it was time to bring in the help of a goal tracking app. I looked around on the App Store and didn’t see exactly what I was looking for, so I built it!
It takes consistent effort over a period of at least two months before you can form a new habit. What better motivation to keep going than a reminder of how far you've come! Don't break your streak!
Privacy is important, which is why we don't collect any of your data on our own servers. Your data stays on your phone and is saved to your iCloud account so that you can always access it from any of your devices for a seamless experience.
* Create and manage as many habits as you like
* Customize each habit with a name, description, color and icon
* Organize habits by adding tags
* Archive your habits so that they no longer count towards your daily progress
* See streak stats for your habits including the length of your current streak, your longest streak and the number of times you've completed a habit this year
* Schedule daily reminders to track your progress (we never want to annoy you, so these are off by default)
* See a quick overview of your daily progress and take notes to look back on later
* Daily writing prompts to reflect on your progress
* No login required!
* Works offline
* Your data syncs seamlessly across all of your devices signed into the same iCloud account
* Light mode/dark mode support
* Customize the app icon
* Customize the app theme
* Widgets for tracking daily and weekly progress
* Export your yearly data to a PDF to print or share.
Thanks for checking out the app and I hope you find it useful/beautiful/helps you live a happier and healthier life in some small way!
一款功能完备的 Apple 平台视频播放器,几乎支持所有视频格式(如mp4、mkv、webm、avi、rmvb、wmv),不仅可以播放本地或局域网 smb/webdav 协议和 NAS 网络存储(如群晖)上的视频文件,还支持直接挂载播放阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、Google Drive、Dropbox、One Drive 上的影片高清播放及字幕调整,兼容 iOS、Mac 和 Apple TV,直连 Emby、Jellyfin、Plex 等视频服务器,能智能匹配文件名并获取电影、剧集封面、演员等信息,自动整理影视资源并提供全局搜索功能。
一款功能完备的 Apple 平台视频播放器,几乎支持所有视频格式(如mp4、mkv、webm、avi、rmvb、wmv),不仅可以播放本地或局域网 smb/webdav 协议和 NAS 网络存储(如群晖)上的视频文件,还支持直接挂载播放阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、Google Drive、Dropbox、One Drive 上的影片高清播放及字幕调整,兼容 iOS、Mac 和 Apple TV,直连 Emby、Jellyfin、Plex 等视频服务器,能智能匹配文件名并获取电影、剧集封面、演员等信息,自动整理影视资源并提供全局搜索功能。
基于金字塔原理重塑笔记组织方式,让碎片化知识形成清晰有序的 结构,更有 AI 助力高效记录灵感、一键梳理大纲和要点、深度洞察 知识脉络,全面激活你的知识体系。