Pocket Wine Pairing

Wine Paradigm

Pocket Wine Pairing

Pocket Wine Pairing

Wine Paradigm

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 2个评分

Featured as one of the “Best New Apps” on the App Store! Food and wine pairing has never been so clear, accessible and easy to understand. This FREE app from Wine Paradigm gives you complete access to the comprehensive food pairing features in Pocket Wine - one of the most popular wine apps in the USA, UK and Canada. It gives you a detailed index of hundreds of meal types, showing you the best matches for different wine styles, grape varieties and blends. A “Do’s & Don’ts” section, along with a “Quick Guide To Food Types” provides valuable and easy to follow information enabling you to discover even more unique food and wine pairings for yourself. In addition, the app gives you access to the “My Wines” section, where you can add photos and details of wines you like, as well as adding them to your cellar. The app also allows you to view and sample many of the features and content of our parent app, Pocket Wine. Use this FREE app for as long as you like, and as often as you like (you don't need to login, it works offline and it's also ad free). You can choose to upgrade at any time for a once only purchase price - no monthly or annual charges - and access all the content to give yourself the full Pocket Wine experience. Here’s what some users of our full Pocket Wine app had to say: “This app is sensational! I discovered my love for wine. Wonderful on pairing with foods and discovering which wines suit your palate.” “From a beer only drinker to a full on wine enthusiast and all because of this wonderful little app! I definitely recommend giving it a try.” “A must for any wine enthusiast. This app is worth every dollar, and even more if you’re learning or want to discover new wines.” “This app is the deal … an exploration tool … what really matters.” “Best of the best. Hands down worth every penny, great for all levels of learning.” “Thanks to this app I now know what I’m looking at and looking for when I go to a wine store.” “The best wine app out there, hands down.” “Great app. I’m a winemaker in VA and recommend this for visitors in the tasting room. Definitely recommend it, worth the price for the education and food pairing suggestions.” “Absolutely fantastic wine reference tool. Beautiful interface, easy to use and unbelievably informative.” “Finally, an app that has made wine accessible to me – brilliant!” We hope you enjoy our FREE food and wine pairing app. It takes the mystery out of pairing and gives you all the guidance, information and examples you need to make successful pairings every time. Upgrade at any time and you will receive access to all the content of our Pocket Wine app, which unlocks the complex world of wine and gives you an insight that has taken others years to achieve. Enjoy and happy food and wine pairing.


Selected Solutions



一个只在本地管理忧虑的 APP,也是积极解决焦虑的好助手!APP 提供了一个让用户勇于直面焦虑的方式,分析问题的程度,提出处理方法,用日记来记录自己的行动历程,积极的行动与放松的心情是解决焦虑的两大神器。「远忧」会引导使用者接受并解决生活中的焦虑点,保持平常心态钝感,鼓励自己前行。


「元气背单词」的 slogan 是:“用简单与可爱,保持学习新鲜感”。应用内提供了丰富词库,基于「艾宾浩斯记忆法」规划记忆方案,配合多种辅助学习模式,帮助你高效地背单词。 - 盖含考研、四六级、专四专八、小初高、读博考研、雅思托福、新概念、GRE、GAMT、自考、专升本。 - 多种辅助学习模式:听写模式,选择题模式,拼写模式。 - 长按查词典,立即查单词。 - PDF导出:打印你的专属单词学习计划。


「朝暮计划」是一款任务清单,日程管理和习惯打卡,并帮助你专注的,致力于提高你效率的时间规划软件。应用功能丰富,且每个功能都做的很深入。同时,应用支持 Android,iOS 和网页,多平台协同操作,数据自动同步,全方位助力你效率的提升。另外,应用有着丰富的个性化设置,可以更改应用主题和壁纸,时刻保持应用的新鲜感,是一款可盐可甜,既严肃又可爱的效率工具。

Pocket Wine Pairing
Wine Paradigm


· 2个评分

Featured as one of the “Best New Apps” on the App Store! Food and wine pairing has never been so clear, accessible and easy to understand. This FREE app from Wine Paradigm gives you complete access to the comprehensive food pairing features in Pocket Wine - one of the most popular wine apps in the USA, UK and Canada. It gives you a detailed index of hundreds of meal types, showing you the best matches for different wine styles, grape varieties and blends. A “Do’s & Don’ts” section, along with a “Quick Guide To Food Types” provides valuable and easy to follow information enabling you to discover even more unique food and wine pairings for yourself. In addition, the app gives you access to the “My Wines” section, where you can add photos and details of wines you like, as well as adding them to your cellar. The app also allows you to view and sample many of the features and content of our parent app, Pocket Wine. Use this FREE app for as long as you like, and as often as you like (you don't need to login, it works offline and it's also ad free). You can choose to upgrade at any time for a once only purchase price - no monthly or annual charges - and access all the content to give yourself the full Pocket Wine experience. Here’s what some users of our full Pocket Wine app had to say: “This app is sensational! I discovered my love for wine. Wonderful on pairing with foods and discovering which wines suit your palate.” “From a beer only drinker to a full on wine enthusiast and all because of this wonderful little app! I definitely recommend giving it a try.” “A must for any wine enthusiast. This app is worth every dollar, and even more if you’re learning or want to discover new wines.” “This app is the deal … an exploration tool … what really matters.” “Best of the best. Hands down worth every penny, great for all levels of learning.” “Thanks to this app I now know what I’m looking at and looking for when I go to a wine store.” “The best wine app out there, hands down.” “Great app. I’m a winemaker in VA and recommend this for visitors in the tasting room. Definitely recommend it, worth the price for the education and food pairing suggestions.” “Absolutely fantastic wine reference tool. Beautiful interface, easy to use and unbelievably informative.” “Finally, an app that has made wine accessible to me – brilliant!” We hope you enjoy our FREE food and wine pairing app. It takes the mystery out of pairing and gives you all the guidance, information and examples you need to make successful pairings every time. Upgrade at any time and you will receive access to all the content of our Pocket Wine app, which unlocks the complex world of wine and gives you an insight that has taken others years to achieve. Enjoy and happy food and wine pairing.


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一款任务清单,日程管理和习惯打卡,并帮助你专注的,致力于提高你效率的时间规划软件。应用功能丰富,且每个功能都做的很深入。同时,应用支持 Android,iOS 和网页,多平台协同操作,数据自动同步,全方位助力你效率的提升。另外,应用有着丰富的个性化设置,可以更改应用主题和壁纸,时刻保持应用的新鲜感,是一款可盐可甜,既严肃又可爱的效率工具。

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一款支持全平台的 AI 思维导图软件,支持多人实时协作,支持 PPT 演示模式

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一款趣味脑力训练应用,内含 60+ 款趣味脑力游戏,提高你的记忆力、想象力、逻辑力、专注力、反应力、计算力

会员立省 30

一个只在本地管理忧虑的 APP,也是积极解决焦虑的好助手!APP 提供了一个让用户勇于直面焦虑的方式,分析问题的程度,提出处理方法,用日记来记录自己的行动历程,积极的行动与放松的心情是解决焦虑的两大神器。「远忧」会引导使用者接受并解决生活中的焦虑点,保持平常心态钝感,鼓励自己前行。


「元气背单词」的 slogan 是:“用简单与可爱,保持学习新鲜感”。应用内提供了丰富词库,基于「艾宾浩斯记忆法」规划记忆方案,配合多种辅助学习模式,帮助你高效地背单词。 - 盖含考研、四六级、专四专八、小初高、读博考研、雅思托福、新概念、GRE、GAMT、自考、专升本。 - 多种辅助学习模式:听写模式,选择题模式,拼写模式。 - 长按查词典,立即查单词。 - PDF导出:打印你的专属单词学习计划。


「朝暮计划」是一款任务清单,日程管理和习惯打卡,并帮助你专注的,致力于提高你效率的时间规划软件。应用功能丰富,且每个功能都做的很深入。同时,应用支持 Android,iOS 和网页,多平台协同操作,数据自动同步,全方位助力你效率的提升。另外,应用有着丰富的个性化设置,可以更改应用主题和壁纸,时刻保持应用的新鲜感,是一款可盐可甜,既严肃又可爱的效率工具。

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