Happy Drawing Smiling Faces
Xinghe Fu
Kids who have the inclination to draw, to sketch, to paint and doodling around should be encouraged as much as possible to do so.
Happy Drawing Smiling Faces is a simple and easy-to-use tool for kids and parents to start the journey of fun and creativity together.
You will never know what the kids may come out with, if they are given the right tool. Get a copy for you/your children and start to expect the unexpected :) most importantly be happy and have some precious family time together when doodling.
笔记与录音的完美结合,录音同时生成文字,后面还会记录下一个时间戳,可以凭着这个时间直接跳转重温,笔记还可以用多种编辑文本方式编辑,且可以分享或是导出这个笔记,调节背景音降噪,能获得更佳的效果,APP 还能在 Apple Watch 上使用,记录就是那么方便。
支持用户脚本,去广告,同时兼容 Adguard 和 Adblock 的规则,自定义多种搜索引擎的移动端浏览器,APP 速度极快,内置翻译,支持获取网页上的图片~视频方面可以长按开启最高 8 倍速播放。