Timeline planning
Tomas Hakel
Use Timelines to organise the projects of your life, like learning a new skill, managing a project at work, writing a diary, or creating an exercise plan! Whichever projects you want to tackle, Timelines is your friend to guide you through them, beautifully designed and easy to use. Plan the next week, month, or the next five years, or log your daily progress - whatever suits you!
Colour code your milestones, add emojis, and view your progress in the progress bar! Specify points in time or time ranges! Add as many events and timelines as you need!
Get seriously organised and advance in your life projects with Timelines!
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iCareFone 是一款功能强大的 APP,深受全球1800000+用户信赖。 WiFi传输:可轻松实现手机和电脑间的大文件、图片、视频等资料的无线传输! 相册管理:轻松为超大图片、GIF、Live图、相似图片等媒体资料分类,助您轻松管理! 智能清理:一键扫描手机内存,助您高效清理! 其他:文件管理、隐私空间、网络检测等。一款APP解决多种烦恼!
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