Transform your focus with TimeBrew, the beautifully simple timer designed to keep you in flow. Whether you’re diving deep into work or unwinding with a break, TimeBrew brings a calming visual to your space, making timing effortless and inspiring.
Choose your “brew” – from a coffee cup to a beer mug, water glass, or a full-page liquid timer. Simply swipe to select, set your time, and start. TimeBrew quietly handles the countdown, allowing you to stay centered and focused.
When time’s up, you’ll get a gentle nudge – a subtle reminder that’s as unobtrusive as it is effective. More than just a timer, TimeBrew is a visual companion that keeps you engaged, balanced, and in flow.
Currently available in English with standard digits.
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一款极简设计、专注于睡眠追踪和科学分析睡眠质量的 APP,用简单的表达,读懂睡眠的深浅、质量,如何改善。睡宝用数千小时基本的小睡数据进行了自己的算法训练,让数据更加准确,睡眠感受、睡眠效率、睡眠效率、睡眠时长和睡眠规律性的直观量化分析,APP 支持睡眠日报、提醒记录感受,Widget小组件等等。