Simple ToDo List & Tasks
Futoshi Niiho
● For people like this
・Person who are tired of using ToDo apps that have complicated settings such as due dates and sharing
・Person who wants to easily register the shopping list or wish list or etc
・Person who wants to manage work and study
・People who want to use ToDo apps that are simple but easy to use
● Simple and beautiful design
It is designed to be a simple and easy-to-use ToDo list.
It has become such a sophisticated design that "pull" rather than "add" the function.
It is an application that embodies "simple is best".
● Easy to use
Thanks to its simple design and no extra features, you can use the app intuitively.
You can manage your tasks in a fun and stress-free manner.
● Backup function
With the backup function, you can synchronize data between terminals,
Data can be inherited even if the terminal is changed.
AI 简历生成、简历润色和 AI 模拟面试等功能,可根据指定的求职岗位,一键快速生成高匹配的简历内容,提供海量免费简历模板。AI 会自动完成简历排版优化,根据简历模拟一对一面试,提升面试技巧,轻松获取最佳 Offer。
AI 简历生成、简历润色和 AI 模拟面试等功能,可根据指定的求职岗位,一键快速生成高匹配的简历内容,提供海量免费简历模板。AI 会自动完成简历排版优化,根据简历模拟一对一面试,提升面试技巧,轻松获取最佳 Offer。
一个 App = 汉语大词典 + 国语辞典 + 成语词典 + 康熙字典 + 说文解字 + 六书通 + 字源 + 大量佛学辞典等等。内置丰富编码查字,部件 + 五笔 + 拼音 + 笔顺 + 仓颉,能查 7W+ 的汉字,几乎囊括所有的汉字。还有各种通俗易懂的国学入门教程:三字经讲记、千字文讲记、细讲弟子规视频、甲骨文字与六书等等。 不论你是刚升入小学的孩童,还是已经在深入研究古文字的专业人员,均可在此 App 中受益匪浅。