Actie: Daily Planner,Organizer
farzin tavakoli
Actie is a goal tracker and daily planner that prioritize your tasks and habits in order of their importance each day on your first visit. You can track both routine and deadline-based activities. For routine, Actie considers your daily performance to recommend the proper amount of time to get your goals, tasks, and habits done. For tasks with a specific deadline, it recommends you enough time to reach the due date.
Why everybody needs Actie?
Actie came along with a new idea. Actie will help you get rid of the complexity of making daily plans. Every day on your first visit, you get that day plan sorted by the importance of the tasks. It’s recommended to start with the most important one to get the best result from any daily planner.
Considering deadline and due date is the other idea that makes Actie unique and different from other goal tracker and daily planner apps. Preparing both your daily plan and the tool to track in one place is the duty of Actie.
How to work with Actie?
1- Choose the type of your activity: Routine or Deadline-based
2- Specify its priority
3- Set your preferable time duration for each session
4- Define the deadline and estimate the total time you need to get it done if it has a specific due date
That’s it! Actie will do the rest and gives you a daily plan sorted by the importance of tasks.
Enjoy getting your goals and habits done with your new goal tracker!
Main Features:
Daily Planner
It recommends which tasks have to be done for each day. A whole new idea to helps you go forward without concerning how to make your daily plan.
Tasks will be sorted by their importance to understanding which activity has the highest priority.
You can define routine or deadline-based activities. Whether you want to track your habits, goals, routine, or a task with a specific deadline, Actie is there to helps you get them done
Time Tracker
Individual time tracker for each task. One of the best ways to stay focused is to run a time tracker while you are getting the task done.
Task Reminder
when the time tracker ends or you forgot to stop the time tracker, you’ll be notified by a task reminder.
If you missed the time tracker, you can add manually the time you’ve spent on the task on the “Sessions” Part. The stats will be updated immediately.
Intuitive Stats
Variety of useful statistics to boost motivation. Stats are crucial for any productivity app to boost motivation. But you’ll find different stats compares with other productivity apps. The main idea is to helps you to understand when is the best time to get done a specific task by considering your previous performance on that task.
ADHD Friendly
Actie is an ADHD friendly app. By using applicable solutions for anyone with ADHD, it helps you to stay focused by using a time tracker, shows your most productive hour to helps you decide when to start, and with giving your daily plan to take the burden of making plan off your shoulders to helps you be productive.
Help us to improve
We love to get feedback to assess the performance of the app and make Actie a better goals planner and a daily planner. It would be great to leave a review of your experience. Feel free to send us your suggestions to this address:
We’re so glad to be chosen as your new goal tracker. Let’s be productive together!
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