Welcome to Uzume, a task and goal management system designed to enable you to focus on the things that matter to you the most while also keeping track of all your tasks and events.Because what we focus on will grow.
- Goal Tracking: Goal tracking that enables you to add tasks and easily monitor progress.
-Task Management: Use our prefilled tasks, or create your own. Tasks can be connected to goals or can be stand-alone.
-Set Tasks and Goals for the Future: Have tasks or goals that need to get done in the future? Schedule them into Uzume then don’t think about them until you are ready.
-Categories: Categories tell you where you are spending your time and help you analyze how you might refocus your energy for more joy in the future.
-Learn: Uzume is built with the latest behavioral psychology principles in mind. Discover how to change your habits for the better on our website and use the app to support those changes!
Uzume is free to download and use.
Premium features include for purchase goal plans designed by experts, with more coming soon!
Follow us Everywhere
Read and learn about goal setting and download your end-of-year goal planner at uzume.co
Contact us: info@uzume.co