Superimpose V - Video Editor 开发者:Pankaj Goswami
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Superimpose V - Video Editor


Superimpose V - Video Editor

更新于 2024-01-26 Pankaj Goswami
Superimpose V - Video Editor

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 9个评分

Are you a creative person looking for an advanced video editing app? One that does not have a steep learning curve? You must have searched pretty well to land on this page!
SuperimposeV provides you with high-end video editing tools to create and edit your videos. It is not just another editing app with a few effects and templates. Rather it gives the power to you, providing you with extreme customizability, flexibility and animatability of numerous tools that it comes with.
◉ Overall features..
● True multi track video editing. Allows multiple tracks of video, audio, image, shapes, text etc.
● Intuitive UI for multitrack timeline. The UI that treats all the tracks, base as well as top ones equally. You can view, drag, drop, swap, zoom and pinch all of them intuitively.
● Effects: Stacking up effects one top of another to get the desired effect. SuperimposeV comes with tons of highly customizable and animatable effects that can be applied of videos, photos, shapes and texts.
● Adjustment layer: You can use them to stack up effects which would apply to any layer behind them. This makes it easier to apply uniform effects throughout a duration spanning over multiple clips.
● Keyframe animation: Add keyframe anywhere! Animate objects in your video. Almost all features can be keyframe animated.
● Transitions: Not only between two clips but also at the beginning or the end of a clip. Even on the top layers and not just the base layer.
● Several easing curves: You can apply an easing curve either on a transition or in between two keyframes to suit your project's need.
● Audio processing: You can also stack up several audio effects.
● Automatic cut out of person from images and videos.
● Masking: Not just green screen and chroma key, Superimpose V comes with numerous masking tools, animatable and customisable with precision.
● Support for importing and using LUTs (lookup tables).
● Object tracking in video clips.
● Clipping mask: Transfer transparent area from one layer to another.
● Generate patterns (like cloud, turbulence, checkerboard etc.) for your own custom effects.
● Increase or decrease the speed of a video. On the same clip, some parts can be sped up while other parts can be slowed down.
● Search and import royalty free photos and videos from Pixabay.
● Search and import royalty free music and audio effects from Pixabay.
● Add stackers and GIFs from GIPHY.
● Add customizable properties that can also be animated.
● Add shapes, fill them with color or gradient and also animate them.
● Export in any format. Video, Image, Image Sequence or GIF!
● Convert videos to GIF.
● Integration with Superimpose X for photo editing. If you need to edit a photo in your video project.
◉ Basic video/image editing
● Split, trim left or right part of any segment
● Flip, rotate a photo, video or image segment.
● Freeze part of a video.
● Reverse a video.
● Rotate a segment with editable anchor points.
◉ Color effects brightness, contrast, exposure, offset, hue, saturation, temperature, tint, vignette, hue curve, saturation curve, luma curve, selective color, replace color to name a few.
◉ Masking effects to cut out parts of a video or image like chroma and luma keys, gradients, shape and text mask etc.
◉ Blur effects like gaussian, motion, zoom, spin, light bloom, unsharp mask etc.
◉ Various Distort effects like ripple, fractal warp, glitch etc.
◉ Various edge effects like shadows, outer glow, inner glow, long shadow, bevel, glassify etc.
◉ Stylize effects like CYMK halftone, bump map, edge detect  etc.
◉ Audio processing: Apart from volume, mute and in and out fade transitions, SuperimposeV comes with peak limiter, dynamics processor, 10 band equalizer, pitch changer, distortions like echos and many more.
◉ Well integration with Superimpose X, you can even use Superimpose X masks from inside Superimpose V
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· 9个评分

Are you a creative person looking for an advanced video editing app? One that does not have a steep learning curve? You must have searched pretty well to land on this page!
SuperimposeV provides you with high-end video editing tools to create and edit your videos. It is not just another editing app with a few effects and templates. Rather it gives the power to you, providing you with extreme customizability, flexibility and animatability of numerous tools that it comes with.
◉ Overall features..
● True multi track video editing. Allows multiple tracks of video, audio, image, shapes, text etc.
● Intuitive UI for multitrack timeline. The UI that treats all the tracks, base as well as top ones equally. You can view, drag, drop, swap, zoom and pinch all of them intuitively.
● Effects: Stacking up effects one top of another to get the desired effect. SuperimposeV comes with tons of highly customizable and animatable effects that can be applied of videos, photos, shapes and texts.
● Adjustment layer: You can use them to stack up effects which would apply to any layer behind them. This makes it easier to apply uniform effects throughout a duration spanning over multiple clips.
● Keyframe animation: Add keyframe anywhere! Animate objects in your video. Almost all features can be keyframe animated.
● Transitions: Not only between two clips but also at the beginning or the end of a clip. Even on the top layers and not just the base layer.
● Several easing curves: You can apply an easing curve either on a transition or in between two keyframes to suit your project's need.
● Audio processing: You can also stack up several audio effects.
● Automatic cut out of person from images and videos.
● Masking: Not just green screen and chroma key, Superimpose V comes with numerous masking tools, animatable and customisable with precision.
● Support for importing and using LUTs (lookup tables).
● Object tracking in video clips.
● Clipping mask: Transfer transparent area from one layer to another.
● Generate patterns (like cloud, turbulence, checkerboard etc.) for your own custom effects.
● Increase or decrease the speed of a video. On the same clip, some parts can be sped up while other parts can be slowed down.
● Search and import royalty free photos and videos from Pixabay.
● Search and import royalty free music and audio effects from Pixabay.
● Add stackers and GIFs from GIPHY.
● Add customizable properties that can also be animated.
● Add shapes, fill them with color or gradient and also animate them.
● Export in any format. Video, Image, Image Sequence or GIF!
● Convert videos to GIF.
● Integration with Superimpose X for photo editing. If you need to edit a photo in your video project.
◉ Basic video/image editing
● Split, trim left or right part of any segment
● Flip, rotate a photo, video or image segment.
● Freeze part of a video.
● Reverse a video.
● Rotate a segment with editable anchor points.
◉ Color effects brightness, contrast, exposure, offset, hue, saturation, temperature, tint, vignette, hue curve, saturation curve, luma curve, selective color, replace color to name a few.
◉ Masking effects to cut out parts of a video or image like chroma and luma keys, gradients, shape and text mask etc.
◉ Blur effects like gaussian, motion, zoom, spin, light bloom, unsharp mask etc.
◉ Various Distort effects like ripple, fractal warp, glitch etc.
◉ Various edge effects like shadows, outer glow, inner glow, long shadow, bevel, glassify etc.
◉ Stylize effects like CYMK halftone, bump map, edge detect  etc.
◉ Audio processing: Apart from volume, mute and in and out fade transitions, SuperimposeV comes with peak limiter, dynamics processor, 10 band equalizer, pitch changer, distortions like echos and many more.
◉ Well integration with Superimpose X, you can even use Superimpose X masks from inside Superimpose V
* Terms of use:
* Privacy policy:


化学方程式安卓版于 2011 年问世,至今已有十余年啦!在广大网友的积极贡献和我们的悉心维护下,如今 APP 中的数据已经非常完善。这款 APP 涵盖化学方程式、离子方程式、物质、元素周期表以及附录内容,附录包含初高中和大学的基本知识点。它查询便捷,支持多关键字搜索和中英文字母搜索,而且支持离线使用,查询速度超快,几乎不消耗流量。APP 中的每一条数据都经过我们反复雕琢,与其相关的所有支持点我们都尽力涵盖。相信化学方程式定会成为您最得力的化学小助手,欢迎大家下载体验哦。


支持用户脚本,去广告,同时兼容 Adguard 和 Adblock 的规则,自定义多种搜索引擎的移动端浏览器,APP 速度极快,内置翻译,支持获取网页上的图片~视频方面可以长按开启最高 8 倍速播放。


欢迎使用 Bookord。<br />Bookord 是一款专为热爱阅读的人士设计的应用程序,旨在帮助用户记录每一次阅读的经历,从而培养和保持良好的阅读习惯。无论您是小说爱好者、学术研究者还是休闲读者,Bookord 都能为您提供一个简洁易用的平台,让您的阅读之旅变得更加有序和有趣。<br />Bookord 不断增长的功能清单包括: <br />- 记录阅读进度:轻轻一点,就能轻松记录每一本书的阅读进度,无论是页数、章节还是具体段落,一切尽在掌握。<br />- 设定阅读目标:设定每日、每年的阅读目标。您可以自定义目标,根据个人喜好调整阅读量,让阅读变得更有动力。<br />- 统计阅读成果:通过图表数据统计,直观了解自己的阅读成果。分享阅读成就,激励自己也激励他人。<br />- 让阅读变得更有意义:随时随地记录书中摘录,写下对图书的评论或感想,让每一次阅读都有所收获。<br />- 简洁界面:应用界面简洁大方,操作流程流畅自然,让阅读与记录变得更加纯粹。<br />Bookord 的独特之处包括:<br />- 采用超极简界面设计风格,去繁就简。<br />- 操作流程直观简便,核心功能触手可及。<br />- 助力用户高效集中管理所有阅读内容。<br />- 极低的成本助您在坚持阅读的路上越走越远。<br />订阅服务<br />为了持续提供优质的服务和支持,我们推出了极低订阅费用的会员计划。只需极低的成本,便能助力您养成并保持每日阅读的习惯,享受无干扰的阅读与记录体验。<br />立即下载 Bookord,开启您的阅读之旅吧!<br />----------订阅说明----------<br />1. 订阅服务:月度 Pro 会员、季度 Pro 会员、年度 Pro 会员<br />2. 订阅价格:月度 Pro 会员 6 元 / 月,季度 Pro 会员 15 元 / 3 个月,年度 Pro 会员 48 元 / 年<br />3. 自动续费:购买订阅的账号,会在每个月到期前 24 小时内自动在 iTunes 账户扣费并延长相应的会员有效期。<br />4. 关闭服务,如需取消订阅,可以在系统账号设置中取消订阅。如未在订阅期结束的至少 24 小时前关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。<br />5. 使用条款:<br />6. 隐私政策:<br />--------------------<br />有任何问题,请通过以下方式联系我们。<br />开发者邮箱

Selected Solutions



化学方程式安卓版于 2011 年问世,至今已有十余年啦!在广大网友的积极贡献和我们的悉心维护下,如今 APP 中的数据已经非常完善。这款 APP 涵盖化学方程式、离子方程式、物质、元素周期表以及附录内容,附录包含初高中和大学的基本知识点。它查询便捷,支持多关键字搜索和中英文字母搜索,而且支持离线使用,查询速度超快,几乎不消耗流量。APP 中的每一条数据都经过我们反复雕琢,与其相关的所有支持点我们都尽力涵盖。相信化学方程式定会成为您最得力的化学小助手,欢迎大家下载体验哦。


支持用户脚本,去广告,同时兼容 Adguard 和 Adblock 的规则,自定义多种搜索引擎的移动端浏览器,APP 速度极快,内置翻译,支持获取网页上的图片~视频方面可以长按开启最高 8 倍速播放。


欢迎使用 Bookord。<br />Bookord 是一款专为热爱阅读的人士设计的应用程序,旨在帮助用户记录每一次阅读的经历,从而培养和保持良好的阅读习惯。无论您是小说爱好者、学术研究者还是休闲读者,Bookord 都能为您提供一个简洁易用的平台,让您的阅读之旅变得更加有序和有趣。<br />Bookord 不断增长的功能清单包括: <br />- 记录阅读进度:轻轻一点,就能轻松记录每一本书的阅读进度,无论是页数、章节还是具体段落,一切尽在掌握。<br />- 设定阅读目标:设定每日、每年的阅读目标。您可以自定义目标,根据个人喜好调整阅读量,让阅读变得更有动力。<br />- 统计阅读成果:通过图表数据统计,直观了解自己的阅读成果。分享阅读成就,激励自己也激励他人。<br />- 让阅读变得更有意义:随时随地记录书中摘录,写下对图书的评论或感想,让每一次阅读都有所收获。<br />- 简洁界面:应用界面简洁大方,操作流程流畅自然,让阅读与记录变得更加纯粹。<br />Bookord 的独特之处包括:<br />- 采用超极简界面设计风格,去繁就简。<br />- 操作流程直观简便,核心功能触手可及。<br />- 助力用户高效集中管理所有阅读内容。<br />- 极低的成本助您在坚持阅读的路上越走越远。<br />订阅服务<br />为了持续提供优质的服务和支持,我们推出了极低订阅费用的会员计划。只需极低的成本,便能助力您养成并保持每日阅读的习惯,享受无干扰的阅读与记录体验。<br />立即下载 Bookord,开启您的阅读之旅吧!<br />----------订阅说明----------<br />1. 订阅服务:月度 Pro 会员、季度 Pro 会员、年度 Pro 会员<br />2. 订阅价格:月度 Pro 会员 6 元 / 月,季度 Pro 会员 15 元 / 3 个月,年度 Pro 会员 48 元 / 年<br />3. 自动续费:购买订阅的账号,会在每个月到期前 24 小时内自动在 iTunes 账户扣费并延长相应的会员有效期。<br />4. 关闭服务,如需取消订阅,可以在系统账号设置中取消订阅。如未在订阅期结束的至少 24 小时前关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。<br />5. 使用条款:<br />6. 隐私政策:<br />--------------------<br />有任何问题,请通过以下方式联系我们。<br />开发者邮箱


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