“Dictionaries” is an electronic dictionary viewer app made to allow you to efficiently use various dictionaries. As with the popular iOS app, you can search multiple dictionaries at once.
You can purchase and use a variety of dictionaries, including English, Japanese, French or other language dictionaries, from the “Dictionary Store” which can be accessed from within the app. Purchased dictionaries can be used on both iOS and macOS with the Universal Purchase. You can also share your dictionaries with your family through Family Sharing.
• Batch Search (Consolidated Search) allows searching multiple dictionaries at once.
• The display order of dictionaries used in the batch search can be customized.
• Using Pattern Search, you can search for words even if a part of the spelling is unknown.
Trace and Jump
• You can easily jump to not only other words in the same dictionary but other dictionaries as well simply by ⌘ + dragging words in a definition, allowing you to go on a journey of intellectual curiosity through the dictionary as their hearts desire.
• Purchased dictionaries are shown as icons on the Collection screen.
• By opening a dictionary from the Collection screen, you can also carefully go through a single dictionary. Even in this case, you can use the “Trace and Jump” function to easily jump to another dictionary.
• The display order of dictionary icons on the Collection screen can be changed to the user's preference.
• You can bookmark their favorite words. In addition, you can also efficiently categorize these bookmarks using the Bookmark Folder.
• By turning on Quick Bookmark, you can quickly add/remove bookmarks simply by tapping the Bookmark icon.
Search History
• In History, display frequency is automatically recorded so that you can immediately recognize words they search for repeatedly.
• You can synchronize Bookmark and History data among all devices by turning on iCloud.
Dark Background Colors
• Automatically Switch to a dark background color according to the dark mode in macOS. Dark background colors improve concentration abilities.
Multiple windows and tabs
• You can open multiple windows or tabs. You can view multiple dictionaries at the same time to search and compare explanations.
Substantial Lineup
• The Dictionary Store carries a large number of full-scale dictionaries, and we plan to further improve this selection in the future as well.
• The following English dictionaries are available as of July 2021. Check in the Dictionary Store, which can be accessed from within the app, for more information on each of these items.
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 10th edition (OALD)
- Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Academic English
- Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus
- Oxford Collocations Dictionary
- Practical English Usage
- Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 10th edition
- Collins COBUILD Advanced American English Dictionary 3rd edition
- Collins COBUILD Intermediate Learner’s Dictionary 4th edition
- Collins English Dictionary with Thesaurus
An internet connection is required to purchase content.Usage fees and terms of use may apply.
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