Most Common Russian Words
Dominik Gyecsek
Master Russian effortlessly with 3k essential words, over 100k example sentences, hands-free learning, quizzes, spaced repetition, sync, dictionary, and notifications
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Russian ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline.
- 111.192 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations
- Automatic and flexible spaced repetition, so you will always see and practice the words that are the most beneficial to review based on last review time, number of times reviews, and current status of the word
- Filter by levels (A1, A2, B1, B2), over 100 topics, categories, and sub-categories (e.g. family, food, entertainment, home, time, work, nature, body, travel, society, feelings, health, education, technology), and parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions)
- Study without even opening the app, on your lock screen or smartwatch, with flexibly scheduled notifications
- Flashcard autoplay and auto-pronounce loops over your flashcards for times when you are multi-tasking and cannot use your hands for an effortless hands-free learning experience (so you can learn even when working, watching a movie, or doing chores)
- Practice with your favorite interactive quiz types to master your vocabulary (there are a total of 7 practice types with 28 total variations regarding hint, answer type, and language)
- A new revolutionary way to study by reading books in English, while some words are progressively translated to Russian that are in your current study level in a consistent way that won't disrupt the reading experience and helps to preserve context, with optional hints if you cannot figure out the translated word. The current library contains over 90 books in adventure, classics, philosophy, poetry, satire, fantasy, drama, tragedy, comedy, mystery, romance, fiction, fairy tales, short stories, biography, economics, mythology, non-fiction, travel, folklore, parody, history
- Easily accessible dictionary that lets you search with English or Russian terms, and you can even expand your search to all 111.192 example sentences that contain the given keywords
- Backup and sync your word progress, stars, statistics, and practices across all devices in real-time so that you can pick up any of your devices with the latest state already synced
- Stick to your goals by setting a daily review goal, and optional daily notifications to remind you to study
- You can understand your current study level and progress and monitor the current states of all 3000 most common words with a single glance from the main screen
- Add your own words and tags with instant auto-translate for faster adding
- Core features are free forever, while extra features can be unlocked by in-app purchases
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