Simple, Easy and Beautiful!
Now, make your own handy and well-favored notepad with NOTE'd
NOTE'd sort notepads for use you want and save every minute of you whenever.
The idea flashed into your head, the beautiful scenery before your eyes,
the music ringing in your ears and here at your feet. Do note'd the everything.
* Try NOTE'd like this
- Write brief memo, diary
- Wishlist when go supermarket
- travel notes for the memory of your trip
- Voice memo when can't type
- Both location of famous restaurants and pictures of delicious foods, guidebook for famous restaurants
- Photo album with pictures and stories
* NOTE'd provides many useful features.
- Notepad design of various style
- Attach photo, map and voice memo
- Make notepads into categories
- Easy and handy bookmark
- Unity view for every memos, bookmarked memos
- Labeling for the lastest memo
- Watch, Listen now memos and attachments
- Support proverb, famous saying (Please make a blank memo)
- Notes for Lock Screen
- Sharing to Twitter, Facebook
- Send E-mail and Text Message
- Password protection (start-up screen and for each notepad)
- Backup/Restore with Dropbox
- Sort Notepads with Drag&Drop
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Privacy policy:
学术猫是一款超便捷的 arXiv 科研论文智能阅读器!主要功能包括:论文 AI 导读,人工智能总结主题、研究方法、创新点、局限性;根据订阅的学科主题,每日追踪最新的学科科研成果;标题自动翻译中文,更易阅读,支持一键翻译主题摘要;文章支持一键发送至邮箱,方便稍后阅读;PDF加载速度特别优化,国内访问更快捷;PDF 支持收藏和本地离线存档。
基于金字塔原理重塑笔记组织方式,让碎片化知识形成清晰有序的 结构,更有 AI 助力高效记录灵感、一键梳理大纲和要点、深度洞察 知识脉络,全面激活你的知识体系。
一个 App = 汉语大词典 + 国语辞典 + 成语词典 + 康熙字典 + 说文解字 + 六书通 + 字源 + 大量佛学辞典等等。内置丰富编码查字,部件 + 五笔 + 拼音 + 笔顺 + 仓颉,能查 7W+ 的汉字,几乎囊括所有的汉字。还有各种通俗易懂的国学入门教程:三字经讲记、千字文讲记、细讲弟子规视频、甲骨文字与六书等等。 不论你是刚升入小学的孩童,还是已经在深入研究古文字的专业人员,均可在此 App 中受益匪浅。