Habitive - Your Habit Tracker
FiveDotTwelve sp. z o.o.
Habitive will help you stay motivated and finally build all the habits you always wanted, in a fun way.
What's so cool about Habitive?
• Create habits easily
Set up your own habit or choose a ready one from the list. 3 clicks are enough to get started!
• Define your weekly goal
Decide how often per week you want to work on your habit. Should it be a daily thing, or would 4 times a week be enough?
• Enjoy unlimited habits
Create as many habits as you want. We’re not limiting you! Prioritize them on the list and change your life for the better.
• Cultivate your habits, watch your progress
Track your stats to see that your hard work is paying off.
• Keep motivated, challenge yourself
Unlock achievements while building a habit.
How is Habitive different from other habit trackers?
• Weekly schedule
To trigger discipline, focus on the current week and your weekly goals. With a clear list of habits and their progress, you always know which one you should do today.
• Unlimited habits
In Habitive, you have no limit to adding new habits. You can build as many of them as you want and change your life for the better.
• Advanced statistics and gamification
We provide a way for extra motivation and discipline. For each habit, you have stats and a calendar with a history of performance. And as you progress, you unlock achievements.
And all this in a free app!
Try Habitive to build your positive habits in a fun way.
这款多功能 APP 集成了电子书阅读、音乐播放、互动卡片、漫画阅读、3D 模型预览及个性相册六大核心功能。电子书模块支持 txt 和 epub 格式,提供听书模式、个性化字体设置、智能陪读等功能。音乐播放器支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的音频处理选项和背景故事生成。互动卡片功能允许用户编辑文本、设置封面、添加动画效果,并通过 AI 辅助创作个性化的卡片。漫画阅读部分兼容主流图像格式,提供流畅的翻阅体验和视觉保护模式。3D 预览功能让用户可以自由操作模型视角,享受高清视觉盛宴。个性相册则帮助用户高效管理个人照片库,实现照片的美化和展示。此 APP致力于为用户提供全方位的数字娱乐和创意表达平台。
PPResume 是一款基于 LaTeX 的简历制作工具,可帮助用户在几分钟内快速制作精美、排版良好的简历。它简单易用,支持自定义样式和内容,让您的简历更加专业和吸引人。
这款多功能 APP 集成了电子书阅读、音乐播放、互动卡片、漫画阅读、3D 模型预览及个性相册六大核心功能。电子书模块支持 txt 和 epub 格式,提供听书模式、个性化字体设置、智能陪读等功能。音乐播放器支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的音频处理选项和背景故事生成。互动卡片功能允许用户编辑文本、设置封面、添加动画效果,并通过 AI 辅助创作个性化的卡片。漫画阅读部分兼容主流图像格式,提供流畅的翻阅体验和视觉保护模式。3D 预览功能让用户可以自由操作模型视角,享受高清视觉盛宴。个性相册则帮助用户高效管理个人照片库,实现照片的美化和展示。此 APP致力于为用户提供全方位的数字娱乐和创意表达平台。
JSPP 是一款面向全球的 im 即时通讯软件,它提供了安全、稳定、高效的通讯服务,免费音视频通话,让您随时随地与亲朋好友、同事、企业客户畅聊保持联系。