Mergeek 全球最新产品发布清单

Mergeek 发现好产品 Fretronome

Fretronome is designed for guitarists to support them in learning the notes and intervals on a guitar fretboard.It's pretty simple, with the first button press it selects a note or interval on the fretboard, with the second it displays the name of the note or interval.It also contains a basic quiz mode where you can test your skillsSupport for left-handed guitarists (Fretronome settings in the iOS settings app)

Mergeek 发现好产品 CuBuGo

Unique gameplay. Rotate the world to discover new path combinations and further connections.Find the right twist to get through these visually confounding worlds.Steer CuBuGo on the right path to the finish, move after move, without eliminating the charging animals blocking your way.But watch out for falling garden gnomes, voracious robots, flame-throwing pipes and rotating knives.Each move must be well thought out to complete a level, collecting all bonuses on the way.Solve 45 puzzles – spread over 5 worlds.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Swipe Mail for Gmail
Swipe Mail for Gmail

Swipe right to trash, left to archive. Happy Mail lets you process every email in your inbox from newest to oldest - with the goal of reaching inbox zero.Need to keep it? Archive it. Don't need it? Delete it. Need more information? Email preview to see the whole email - and the tap the action of your choice. Want to keep it in your inbox? Swipe down, it'll snooze for 10 minutes to let you make progress. If you make a mistake then you can just tap the undo button and process the email again.How many emails are sitting in your inbox right now? Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of them? At the very least, you can use the handy "Archive All" button to save all of them, without having them in your inbox.Once you reach your goal, of no email in your inbox, you can sit back and relax - safe in the knowledge that all of your email has been handled.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Happy Bike Life On wheels
Happy Bike Life On wheels

Welcome to this amazing bike mountain race where you show your true love for the mountain bike. Do ultimate stunts in this BMX bike game where anything is possible on these tracks. A next-gen BMX bike is available for you to do bike racing like never before. Play this bike Mtb racing game and be the winner in the bicycle race.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Anime Farm Simulator
Anime Farm Simulator

Anime Farm Simulator is an anime style farming simulation game integrated with social aspects such as friendship and love sim. You are tasked with managing your own farm, taking care of animals as well as growing crops successfully to sell for profit. Fishing, foraging, and part-time jobs help to supplement your income, which is then used to buy more crop seeds, materials, and livestock animals. Also you can date with the villagers that you liked so much!

Mergeek 发现好产品 元气日语

欢迎使用元气日语!无论您是初学者还是已经有一定日语基础,可爱的智能口语陪练小樱都将帮助您轻松、快速地掌握日语技能。 五十音学习:通过详细的五十音图表和清晰的发音示范,我们的应用将帮助您系统地学习和记忆日语的基础音节,为您打下坚实的语言基础。 日语口语陪练:我们提供丰富多样的口语练习,通过模拟真实情境和对话,让您能够锻炼听力、口语和交流能力。与我们的口语教练小樱对话,随时随地提升您的实际口语技能。 跟读课程训练:N1-N5不同难度的日语,无论您处于哪个日语水平阶段,我们都为您提供了多个难度层次的跟读课程。从基础的日常用语到高级的语法和词汇,您将逐步提升自己的阅读和发音能力。使用元气日语即表示您同意我们的隐私政策和用户协议:

Mergeek 发现好产品 ClearToday:清单任务&StandBy

ClearToday是一个将Todo和StandBy结合的App,希望通过丰富的小工具,让你聚焦当下,更轻松地完成今日待办。我们同时支持系统级和App级StandBy,希望你的旧手机也能焕发新的春天。Remember:Progress,Not Perfection

Mergeek 发现好产品 Daily Routine Tracker - Dayful
Daily Routine Tracker - Dayful

Introducing Dayful, your ultimate daily routine planner that helps you cultivate new habits and maintain them long-term. With a simple and intuitive design, Dayful makes it easy to achieve your personal goals every day.Why Dayful?Dayful stands out by allowing you to log your activities several times a day. This helps you keep a closer eye on your progress and stay motivated throughout your journey to better habits.Free Features:- Track Up to 4 Habits for Free: Start with up to four habits at no cost.- Track based on count and timer- Multiple Updates Daily: Record your achievements multiple times a day — not just once.- Customize Your Experience: Choose from a variety of fun colors to personalize your habit tracker.- Daily Notes: Keep a journal every day to note down your thoughts and progress.- Set Reminders: Set multiple reminders for each habit to keep you on track.- Protect Your Privacy: Secure your data with a passcode and biometric options like FaceID/TouchID.Enhanced Usability:- Home Screen Widget: Quickly view your habits right from your home screen without opening the app.- Smart Integration: Effortlessly sync your progress with iCloud for safekeeping and easy access across devices.Streak Tracking and Historical Insights:Dayful takes your habit tracking to the next level with comprehensive streak tracking and detailed historical insights. Here’s how Dayful helps you stay informed and motivated:- Track Your Streaks: Easily monitor both your current streaks and your longest streaks. This feature keeps you motivated by showing how far you’ve come and encouraging you to beat your own records.- Monthly Grid Overview: Get a bird’s-eye view of your habits with our monthly grid overview. This layout allows you to quickly see which days you succeeded and where you have room for improvement, making it easier to analyze patterns and adjust your efforts.- biDetailed History for Each Routine: Dive deeper into each of your habits with a detailed history. Track your progress over time and understand your journey with each routine, helping you to make informed decisions about how to proceed and improve.Become part of a supportive community that motivates you every step of the way. With Dayful, you're not just tracking habits; you're building a lifestyle. Download Dayful now and turn every day into a success story!Term of use policy

Mergeek 发现好产品 心情记 - 简单记录每一天
心情记 - 简单记录每一天

你今天过得怎么样?以多种方式记录你一天中的感受如何记录你的一天:a. 使用各种情感表情图标记录a. 以漂亮的字体书写你的一天a. 用美丽的照片填满你的一天【心情记 主要特点】- 照片附件功能- 时间线功能- 快速日期切换- 数据备份和恢复功能- 暗模式支持- 屏幕锁定功能- 日记提醒- 日记搜索功能- 更改字体的能力- iCloud 同步- 小部件功能- 统计功能我们将努力准备更多用户友好的功能请联系我们:电子邮件:mrlhs77@gmail.com我们将迅速回复并始终致力于优化。

Mergeek 发现好产品 面包拼图

拼贴生活中的美好如面包烘焙时等待的焦甜生活每一个瞬间都像一片片新鲜出炉的面包浓郁可口的、香甜松软的、也会有微焦苦涩的……每一片都值得细细品味面包拼图,让每个人都可以成为面包师把生活中的精彩拼凑揉和用心烘焙出每一片属于自己的美味面包- 成为专业面包师的必备条件 -▸ 多样的面包食谱丰富的创意热门模板,满足任何使用场景生活中大小节日、日常朋友圈拼图、假日出游探店…各种配方一键应用,即可轻松出片;▸ 齐全的面包配料精选数十款大师级滤镜,从人像,到风景美食;从清新,到胶片怀旧;都能让你的每一张拼图散发诱人香气;▸ 丰富的面包搭子/搭配海量风格多样、可爱百搭的贴纸供你选择,可以尽情发挥你的无限想象,把生活拼贴成你最喜欢的样子;还有更多面包制作小技巧等你来发现噢~如果在使用过程中遇到问题或是希望为我们提出任何建议欢迎在APP內意见反馈处给我们留言或请联系:2897509740@qq.com如果你觉得面包还不错也请多多安利 #面包拼图 与大家共享美味吧叮—— 每一片精彩生活,正在新鲜出炉!------------------------------关于订阅制会员的说明订阅选项:• 连续包月会员 – 3元/每月• 连续包年会员 – 28元/每年关于试用期结束和更新订阅内容:此价格仅适用于中国大陆用户。价格在其他国家可能有所不同,并且实际费用会根据您的居住国转换为当地货币进行结算。付款:确认购买并支付后,权益将计入iTunes账户,并将通过您的iTunes账号自动续订。续订/自动续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在iTunes/AppleID设置管理中关闭自动续费功能。关于隐私政策及用户条款,查看链接获取更多详情:隐私政策:用户条款:

Mergeek 发现好产品 了然清单 - 极简待办清单 时间管理 待办日程 备忘日历
了然清单 - 极简待办清单 时间管理 待办日程 备忘日历

欢迎使用「了然清单!极简待办,一目了然!「了然清单」是一款极简又智能的日常任务管理应用。「了然清单」帮助你更轻松地规划和组织待办事项,让你专注于生活中最重要的事情!##主要功能: • 周视图管理: 周视图和气泡式的任务的设计,让你可以一目了然地查看整周的安排,轻松规划未来的活动; • 智能任务分类:「了然清单」智能地自动为你的任务分类,让你的工作和生活更有组织; • Emoji 图标匹配: 为了让任务更加有趣,「了然清单」支持为每个任务匹配合适的 Emoji 图标,让每个任务都变得更加生动活泼。##为何选择了然清单? • 简单易上手: 不论你是日程管理新手还是经验丰富的用户,「了然清单」提供直观易懂的界面,让你快速上手! • 智能更好用:「了然清单」可以智能地为你的任务匹配合适的 emoji 图标和自动划分标签,让你管理日常任务更轻松有趣!使用了然清单,让你的生活更加有序和有趣!##欢迎联系我们:欢迎大家通过各种方式和我们联系,你的反馈和鼓励给我们动力把了然清单做得越来越好!!电子邮箱 donoideas@gmail.com期待你的来信!!隐私协议用户条款技术支持

Mergeek 发现好产品 AI Singing
AI Singing


Mergeek 发现好产品 极简番茄时钟

一款直接在网页上就可以使用的极简番茄时钟,在 Windows 和 Mac 上均可使用,支持深色模式、全屏、自定义铃声、调整时钟大小等功能。

Mergeek 发现好产品 薄荷壁纸


Mergeek 发现好产品 爱锁屏启动-快捷启动锁屏小组件

全新适配iOS16锁屏小组件,锁屏一键打开:各种码/扫一扫/付款码/收款码/乘车码/微博热搜/新闻头条等,直达热门应用/小程序/常用功能。操作流程便捷,只需轻松几步,让您的iPhone与众不同!【锁屏界面快捷启动】一键打开各种码、扫一扫、付款码、乘车码、微博热搜、新闻头条…..锁屏点击一键直达【灵动岛/实时活动启动】完美解决新老机型的快捷启动需求, 长按灵动岛,或从锁屏实时活动随时一键启动【海量锁屏启动组件】预制超多热门应用/功能的启动组件,常用功能便捷设置快速直达【个性化设置】预制图标库,轻松设置精美图案支持透明组件,图标大小、颜色等个性化设置【新上组件】 -打工人日历:还原打工人一周心情,打工人必备小组件 -倒数日:倒数计算,提醒您不再错过重要日子 -纪念日:正数计算,不再错过值得纪念的日子如果您喜欢爱锁屏启动,请留下好评支持我们,如有问题,欢迎App内反馈~

Mergeek 发现好产品 无痛单词 - 轻松背四六级考研英语单词
无痛单词 - 轻松背四六级考研英语单词

无痛单词,别出心裁的背单词新方式,像刷短视频一样刷单词!● 告别选择困难- 像刷短视频一样上滑切换单词卡片- 无需手工选择认识、不认识、还是模糊- 根据停留时长智能判定熟悉度● 不背单词债- 自由的单词学习计划:随时背,随时不背- 没有吓人的单词债- 完成比完美重要,无法坚持的完美计划毫无意义● 智能记忆算法- 强大灵活的Painless记忆算法- 综合停留时长、点击、搜索、阅读等多维数据- 生成契合你记忆规律的单词流● 阅读背单词- 串词成文,依据单词学习情况智能生成短文- 真实语境强化单词记忆● 丰富的词书内容- 词根词缀、词组搭配、同义词近义词反义词派生词记忆- 全阶段词库,覆盖小学、初中、高中、大学、留学等- 考试词书:四级/六级/专升本/考研/托福/雅思/GMAT/GRE/BEC/等● 联系我们邮 件:feedback@xiangzi.tech公众号:巷子工作室隐私政策:使用条款:

Mergeek 发现好产品 Prestito

Prestito te permite acceder a préstamos rápidos y oportunos que te permitirán resolver aquellas emergencias que se te puedan presentar.¿Se te ponchó tu coche?¿Quieres hacer las compras de Navidad?¿Una emergencia médica?¡Para todos estos casos Prestito es tu solución!A través de préstamos que son evaluados junto con tu empresa, puedes acceder con tu dispositivo móvil y la App de Prestito a préstamos a tu medida en monto y en plazo para acomodar mejor tus necesidades.En convenio con tu empresa, Prestito te otorga préstamos que no representan una carga para tu empresa, solo su visto bueno, esto permite que puedas solicitar tu préstamos cuando tú lo necesites sin comprometer los recursos de la empresa que laboras.Prestito te puede ayudar a resolver esa necesidad con créditos de 2,000 a 10,000 pesos, nuestros plazos van desde 2 a 12 meses con un interés mensual fijo de:6.0% en plazos de 2, 3 ó 4 meses5.0% en plazos de 6 ó 12 mesesEste es un ejemplo de nuestros créditos:Monto disponible del préstamo: 2,000 pesosComisión por disposición: 2.00%Interés mensual: 6.00%IVA por comisión: 0.32%IVA por interés mensual: 0.96%Quincenas: 4Pagos semanales: 8Total a pagar: 2,324.80 pesosSi eliges pagar por quincena: 581.20 pesosSi eliges pagar por semana: 290.60 pesosNo lo pienses más, descarga nuestra App, regístrate, revisa nuestros servicios y solicita tu primer préstamo.* El CAT (Costo Anual Total) es 16.24% a 2 meses, 23.02% a 3 meses, 30.16% a 4 meses, 37.12% a 6 meses y 71.92% a 12 meses

Mergeek 发现好产品 Fireguard Wildfire Tracker
Fireguard Wildfire Tracker

Get a powerful wildfire activity tracking map with near real-time tracking of fire locations and progression.See details of fire activity overlaid on a single map:• Hotspots identified by satellite-based sensors• Wildfire incident reports and alerts• Fire burned area boundaries• Crowdsourced fire report markers• NOAA smoke areas• Cal Fire incident detail• Fire weather risk areas• Fire camerasWho can benefit from this app?• Anyone living or working in wildfire-prone areas• People who may want to alert family members in remote or high-risk areas• Anyone interested in emergency preparedness and wildfire risk reductionNo login, registration, or subscription required.Wildfire hotspot activity is viewable for all locations worldwide. Most other details are available only in the United States.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Smapp-App

Invoicing, Document Management, Automatic Reminders, Time Cards

Mergeek 发现好产品 News Talk 96.5 FM
News Talk 96.5 FM


Mergeek 发现好产品 Cosmuu

Scan the stickers on your Dreamy Kids world map with the Cosmuu app and explore the animal atlas in 3D with detailed information. Animal atlas only for now, other atlases will be here soon!Add fun to your smartphones and tablets with augmented reality via Cosmuu!How it works?* Download the Cosmuu app* Tap to “AR Explore” button* Select and scan markers* View 3D images and tap on a 3D images for info text and voice record.* Enjoy the animation!Contact usYour feedback is very important to us. If you have any comments, feedbacks, questions, or need any help, please contact us at:

Mergeek 发现好产品 IAMPASS

IAMPASS provides passwordless user authentication and registration using dynamic authentication strategies.IAMPASS can constantly monitor the proximity of verified users, reducing the risk of unauthorized access post login.

Mergeek 发现好产品 PeerTracks

Immersive Audio 3D Video VR/AR all in one APP!Feel like you’re standing right in the middle of a CONCERT from the comfort of your couch.Unlock the world of an artist life, exclusive interviews, SPONSORED GiveawaysMUSICIANS interact with FANS like never before

Mergeek 发现好产品 Helpers PY
Helpers PY

Plataforma digital de profesionales domesticas por día, semana, mes.Delega los quehaceres del hogar de una manera segura, eficiente y transparente.No esperes más y solicita de tu Helper ya.#LaConfianzaSeGana

Mergeek 发现好产品 Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemi
Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemi

Çocuk Gelişimi Lisans - AçıkÇocuk Gelişşimi Ön Lisans - AçıkÇocuk Gelişşimi Ön Lisans - UzaktanSosyal Hizmet-ler (Ön Lisans Ve Lisans Tamamlama)AdaletSosyolojiTıbbi Dökümantasyon Ve Sekreterlikİş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliği Lisansİş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliği Ön Lisansİktisat - Açıkİktisat - UzaktanTarihCoğrafyaSiyaset Bilimi Ve Kamu YönetimiFelsefeAcil Durum Ve Afet YönetimiSiyaset Bilimi Ve Uluslararası İlişkilerİşletmeHukuk Büro Yönetimi Ve SekreterliğiYaşlı BakımıBankacılık Ve SigortacılıkLaborant Ve Veteriner Sağlıkİnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi LisansSivil Hava Ulaştırma İşletmeciliğiPerakende Satış Ve Mağaza YönetimiUluslararası Ticaret Ve Lojistik YönetimiKültürel Miras Ve Turizm (Önlisans)Sağlık Kurumları İşletmeciliğiSağlık Yönetimi Lisans TamamlamaYönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Lisans

Mergeek 发现好产品 Formació SSIBE
Formació SSIBE

FORMACIÓ SSIBE és una eina que permet a a tots els usuaris interns i externs del Serveis de Salut Integrats Baix Empordà (SSIBE) gestionar el coneixement i la informació de forma eficient i àgil.Algunes de les funcionalitats principals:- Accés a cursos i sessions mèdiques del centre, així com d'altres centres de referència.- Confirmar l'assistència a les sessions o cursos.- Permet als participants interactuar amb la resta de participants i amb els ponents o professors.- Participar en cursos, jornades, sessions formatives.- Eina disponible per a tots els usuaris inscrits o convidats a cursos, jornades, sessions.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Guardian Prime
Guardian Prime

Descontos e benefícios em mais de 24 mil estabelecimentos e 3 mil marcas físicas e online em todo o Brasil. Com o app do nosso Clube de Descontos, você acessa as principais marcas do país e utiliza o desconto na hora de pagar, de maneira rápida e sem custo.COMO USAR1. Baixe o aplicativo2. Crie sua conta com o CPF cadastrado em nosso sistema3. Ative o cupom e ganhe desconto na horaCOMO FUNCIONAAcesse suas marcas favoritas, ative o cupom de desconto nas lojas online ou físicas através da leitura do QRCode presente na loja. Receba o desconto imediatamente na hora do pagamento.

Mergeek 发现好产品 NFT Notified
NFT Notified

NFT Notified offers a set of tools to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3. Get custom set mint, reveal and price notifications of your favorite NFT collections or assets.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Advogado de Pequenas Causas
Advogado de Pequenas Causas

Seu problema se encaixa em algum dos casos abaixo? Podemos ajudá-lo de forma simples e rápida.Atuamos em ações relativas a:- Bancos e Cartões de Crédito;- Companhias Aéreas;- Planos de Saúde;- Companhias de Seguros;- Empresa de telefonia, celular e internet;- Empresas de água, luz e gás;- Concessionárias e mecânicas de veículos;- Conflitos de trânsito;- Problemas com condomínios ou entre vizinhos;- Problemas com fornecedores e prestadores de serviços.Atuamos nos juizados de pequenas causas, por ser o caminho mais rápido, simples e eficiente.Você não pagará nada agora, mas somente quando receber seus direitos.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Nöbetçi Eczane Gaziantep
Nöbetçi Eczane Gaziantep

Gaziantep Nöbetçi Eczaneler uygulaması, Gaziantep'teki tüm eczaneleri ve gün içinde nöbetçi olarak görevlendirilen eczanelerin listesini içeren bir uygulamadır.Uygulama TEB 8. Bölge Gaziantep Eczacı Odası adına Eflatun Medya tarafından geliştirilmiştir.Çevrenizdeki ve nöbetçi olarak eczanelerin haritadaki konumuna, telefon numarasına ve adresine kolay bir şekilde ulaşabilirsiniz.