Mergeek 全球最新产品发布清单

Mergeek 发现好产品 Our Tasks - For Busy People
Our Tasks - For Busy People

A simple to do list app that is focused on adding to do tasks and knocking them out.Features:- Focus on urgent tasks, unfocus on less urgent tasks- Add one or multiple tasks at once just by typing- Cross platform- Offline mode (when offline, tasks can still be viewed)- Simple upfront pricing

Mergeek 发现好产品 Our Pup: Dog log for couples
Our Pup: Dog log for couples

Need help remembering when your pup pooped, peed, ate, etc? This app lets you track that and share it with others so they can do it with you.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Decide4Me: for those who can't
Decide4Me: for those who can't

Are you so indecisive that you couldn't decide which dog leash to buy? Do you struggle with making decisions on a daily basis?If so, this is the app for you!

Mergeek 发现好产品 Happy Habits - Habit Tracker
Happy Habits - Habit Tracker

No ads. Free to use. All features included.Happy Habits is all about mastering habits that make us happy. Whether they're daily, weekly, or monthly habits, you can achieve them with Happy Habits. Easy to use, helpful stats about the habits your building, and more.You can do this, let's make some habits!Main Features:- Streak tracking- Rich Notifications- Today Widget- Watch App- Automatic iCloud Backup- Forever Ad-Free- Daily, Weekly, and Monthly habits- Color Customization- Overview of your habits- Reminders for all habits- Many more to come!

Mergeek 发现好产品 Snuffy - Clipboard Manager
Snuffy - Clipboard Manager

Snuffy is a super simple clipboard manager for MacOS and now also on iOS. You can use the iOS app to access your clipboard history on the go!It will save everything you copy so you can look at it later.Simple. Fast. Useful.Main Features on iOS App:- Access what you copy & paste on your Mac from your phone- Search your clipboard- LightweightMain Features on Mac App:- Save what you copy & paste- Search your clipboard- Summon Snuffy with custom hot key- Lightweight- Access on iOS- Automatic Cloud Backup

Mergeek 发现好产品 Biking Distance Tracker
Biking Distance Tracker

Vima is a GPS based tracking app for people who want to keep track of their biking fitness goals. It is an app aimed at simplicity that allows bikers to keep track of their runs easily without a lot of unnecessary stuff getting in the way. APPLE WATCHEasily start, pause, resume, and save a ride without ever getting your phone out of your pocket. Check your distance, speed, time, and altitude from your Apple Watch in realtime.STATS AND MAPS Vima tracks speed, distance, altitude, and time. It also gives you a map showing where you have been while you are saving a ride. COLOR CODED When viewing saved rides your route shows up on the map color coded by speed. It shows where you went the fastest (green) and where you were slowest (red). VOICE SUMMARY Don't want to look at the screen every few minutes? You can have the app tell you updates on your progress in set distance and/or time intervals. SPLIT TIMESAdded splits to the history review page. Choose from 9 different distances and see how each section of your workout went.CALORIESSee calories burned. Set your weight in settings and get your calories burned in real time and on the history page after your run. BIKE TRACKINGTrack the distance on your bike so you know when it's time to do maintenance or replace it before problems happen.PAUSE AND RESUME Pause the workout to catch your breath or chat with a friend and then resume when you get back to it. FACEBOOK & TWITTER Share your workout with your friends on Facebook or Twitter with our easy to use integration. UNITS The supports both standard and metric units. HEALTH KITApple Health permissions allow us to enhance your data as well as saving your workout information to Apple Health. If you've read this far, you should definitely give Vima a shot. We think you'll love it, and if there is anything you'd like to see for the app in the future just let us know. We love hearing from our users.Note: Continued use of the GPS will reduce battery life.If you upgrade to a premium subscription, payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. The monthly subscription costs USD 2.99 per month, while the yearly subscription costs USD 9.99 per year. Your subscription renews automatically unless canceled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. There is no increase in cost when renewing.Subscriptions can be managed and auto-renewal turned off in Account Settings in iTunes after purchase. Once purchased, the current period cannot be canceled.Find the full terms and conditions and our privacy policy at

Mergeek 发现好产品 基因密码


Mergeek 发现好产品 抖啵视频-安享看片精彩无限视频社区

抖啵视频,私享视频,精彩无限!。订阅信息1. 订阅选项1.1 订阅:6元/每月1.2 订阅:12元/每季1.3 订阅:20元/每年2.付款: 用户通过 iTunes 账户扣款, 用户确认购买后即付款.3.续订: 用户 iTunes 账户在到期前的二十四小时内扣费, 增加相应的订阅周期.4.取消续订: 如需取消续订, 进入"iTunes Store 与 App Store" --> 点击 "App ID", 进入 "账户设置" 页面, 点击 "订阅", 选择取消订阅即可.5.隐私协议和条款:

Mergeek 发现好产品 Cardflow+ by Qrayon
Cardflow+ by Qrayon

We love index cards. We use them a lot. They are a versatile and surprisingly powerful tool for all kinds of tasks. From brainstorming to storyboards, to planning entire projects, they have a place in your workflow.Cardflow captures the ease and flexibility of paper index cards and brings that experience to the iPad.Rather than impose a rigid structure up front, Cardflow allows you to lay things out however you like, and organize them in the way that makes sense to you.Jot down ideas or sketch diagrams on cards and arrange them on a large board. Write and draw using the buttery smooth Inkflow vector ink system, or type in a variety of fonts. You can even snap photos of actual cards to use as a background.Turbocharge your workflow today! Whether you are drafting story boards for a movie, laying out the plot and characters for your novel, or learning a new language, Cardflow has a place in your toolbox. Have all the fun of using index cards, without the forest-pulping guilt of paper.EDUCATORS: Cardflow+ qualifies for Apple's Volume Purchase Program. Purchase it in quantities of 20 or more at a discount from Apple's VPP site.HOW TO TRANSFER FILES FROM CARDFLOWCardflow+ is installed as a separate App. To transfer a file from Cardflow to Cardflow+:1. Tap on the file name in the Cardflow Gallery.2. Tap "Transfer" in the context menu.3. Select Cardflow+ from the list of Apps.Cardflow is perfect for:+ Storyboards for videos or movies+ Studying for an exam+ Learning a new language+ Writing the plot for a novel or book+ Organizing weddings, parties, and other events+ Corporate training+ Project management+ Agile, Scrum, and other methodologies+ Group brainstorming+ Writing your daily goals and to-dos+ And much more!CREATIVE TOOLS FOR THE ULTIMATE CREATIVITY DEVICEWe strongly believe that the iPad is not just a consumption device; It's a creativity device. Thanks for supporting us in our journey of building Creative Apps like Cardflow. We hope you enjoy using it!-- The App Makers @ Qrayon

Mergeek 发现好产品 画画树·设计板-专业图片编辑&修图画图软件

画画树是一款专业的手机画图软件,专注于真实感绘画,并集PS、图片编辑、照片处理、素描、P图、美图等功能,拥有多种精美的画笔,如铅笔、毛笔、水彩、粉笔、丙烯酸、马克笔、多彩泥、油漆桶等,还有众多的实用处理工具,如橡皮擦、指尖涂抹、魔术橡皮擦、填充、复制、剪切、直尺、圆规等,更有高级图层管理器,可以复制合并图层、调节图层透明度、混合图层、导入照片、变换图层。还有高级滤镜处理,如水墨、素描线稿、彩绘、高斯模糊、锐化等。画画树是一款像极Photoshop的手机图片编辑和画画软件,拥有精美的画笔,可以导入照片进行编辑。◆ 功能特点- 超过20种极具真实感的画笔- 直尺,圆规,图形包和精美贴纸- 滴管工具,长按画布某处即可拾取颜色- 无限撤销,不用担心出错- 可创建10个图层- 持续自动保存,确保作品不丢失◆ 要点- 调节画笔、橡皮擦的大小和透明度,画你想画的,任意发挥- 按捏缩小画布到60%以下,将作品保存到相册- 可设置工具自动隐藏、画笔记住颜色- 长按颜色块隐藏工具栏,可大面积作画- 颜色可以添加保存,方便下次再用

Mergeek 发现好产品 旅人日记

“旅人日记”用日历和时间线管理你的笔记。就像每天一页的笔记本,不需要太多繁杂的整理工作。也可以轻松浏览回顾一段时间内自己的想法。这款 App 对于不同的人有不同的用法,它可以用来记录生活,也可以和朋友们一起计划一次激动人心的旅程。对于我来说,这更是一个创作工具,随时记录突如其来的灵感。日历和时间线的跟踪属性能让我更好的回顾和验证一段时间内自己的想法。“没有记录,过往就没有发生,未来也不会发生。”正是记录这样一个普通得不能再普通的行为,让我们当下的行为充满意义。持续记录吧,时间给给予我们最好的礼物。【订阅 旅人日记 解锁全部功能:】解锁PRO会员后,即可解锁:· 解锁全部主题标记· 支持原图上传· 10G图片存储空间· 未来版本的全部新功能【订阅价格】¥12/月¥98/年在确认付款后,付费账户在当前订购周期结束时将自动续订,你的 iTunes 帐户将会再一次进行付款。订阅自动续期,你可以在当前付费周期结束前至少24个小时取消自动续订。随时可以取消订阅服务,你可以在 Apple ID 帐户设置中管理或关闭。购买产品的订阅服务时,任何未被使用的该产品的免费试用期立即失效。---【会员续订服务协议】【用户协议】【隐私政策】如有任何使用问题或者建议请随时与我们联系。邮箱: support@lvrenriji.com网站

Mergeek 发现好产品 饭卡

饭卡是一款饮食记录app,可以帮助用户记录每日摄入的食物,提供营养素摄入建议,同时也可以提醒用户注意饮食的均衡性,确保身体健康。用户可以记录每日摄入的食物,追踪每日营养素摄入情况。此外,用户还可以设定营养目标,并且可以查看自己的营养摄入情况是否达到目标。【会员订阅即自动续费说明】- 订阅周期: - 1个月(连续包月产品) - 6个月(连续包月产品) - 12个月(连续包年产品)- 具体价格请见饭卡App内部付费页面。- 付款:通过用户的 iTunes账户扣款,用户确认购买后即付款。- 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在 iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。- 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。- 订阅可以由用户管理,并且可以在购买后在用户的账户设置里关闭自动订阅。- 免费试用期的任何未使用部分(如果提供)将在用户购买该出版物时被回收。- 隐私政策 用户协议

Mergeek 发现好产品 如是记录

【轻松管理您的财务】 - 欢迎使用「如是记录」如果开车看不到剩多少油,手机不显示有多少电,我们都会有同样的感觉——既紧张又不确定,个人财务也是一回事。如是记录是您的个人财务仪表盘,旨在为您的财务路径提供清晰的洞察。使用如是记录,您不仅仅是在追踪资金,更是在减少一种持续地焦虑。【是否经常困惑钱都花哪儿了?】- 支出了多少,心里没数?- 因不清楚财务状况而犹豫是否消费?- 对收入不满?- 想花的比赚的多?提出这些问题是解决问题的第一步。但生活中可以不必时时承受它们带来的压力。【重新定义您与金钱的关系】金钱不必成为日常压力的源头。在如是记录,我们相信通过持续记录而带来的洞察能无压力地改变您与金钱的关系。这不是繁琐地追踪每一分钱;而是清晰地理解您的财务,以做出更合适的决策。【为什么选择如是记录?】快速设置:上手只需要10分钟,爷爷奶奶都会用。基础功能永久免费:免费使用我们的基础功能,亲身感受其带来的不同。无压力管理财务:告别财务焦虑,轻松使用的工具为您提供清晰度和控制力。【今天就来使用吧!】迈向更清晰、更轻松的财务未来的第一步。现在就试用「如是记录」,体验拥有个人财务仪表盘的便利。如是记录,轻松平衡“人人都会用”和“提供专业洞察”。【反馈和建议】我们欢迎大家的反馈和建议,请将反馈建议通过邮件发送至,我们会定期查看。【协议与条款】用户协议:隐私条款:

Mergeek 发现好产品 MarkTimes

MarkTimes可以帮你记录生活大小事和健康问题。有没有想了解自己一周喝了几次奶茶,上次家庭大扫除是什么时候的事情了,最后一次拉肚子是怎么引起的,这些问题是不是很难想起来?MarkTimes可以帮你记录这些生活琐事和健康问题,你可以轻松记录任何事件,自定义事件的记录项,并且通过时间线查看记录历史,利用统计图表了解趋势,帮助你更好了解自己。---► 时间线通过时间轴和日历的方式展示,你可以迅速和清晰明了查看任何事件或时间的记录。► 图表清晰地在图表中查看你的事件发生的频率如何随时间变化,可以按日、月或年来查看比较和回顾趋势。► 事件属性你可以为事件增加属性,来记录不同的内容,目前支持数值类型和单选类型。在记录这些属性之后,可以在时间线和图表中查看到它们。► 提醒你可以为事件增加每日提醒和未发生提醒。通过每日提醒,可以督促你定期添加事件的记录。未发生提醒则可以在你设定的未发生天数到达后,提醒你去做这件事情。► 隐私与安全我们知道您的个人数据特别敏感。你的所有数据只存储于本地,或者其他你主动开启 iCloud 同步服务的设备之中。---► MarkTimes Pro 会员说明成为会员,您可以解锁MarkTimes所有的付费功能,享受未来高级功能的免费更新。确认购买并支付后,将通过您的 iTunes 账号自动续订。苹果 iTunes 账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在 iTunes/ApplelD 设置管理中关闭自动续费功能。试用期内,iTunes 账户如不取消订阅,则会在试用期结束时自动开通订阅并扣款,未使用的试用时长在购买订阅之后将会自动作废。本服务由您自主选择是否取消,若您选择不取消,将为您开通下一个计费周期的续费服务。用户协议:隐私协议:

Mergeek 发现好产品 FlickJot-边看边记,记录精彩瞬间

FlickJot:您的全能笔记神器FlickJot 是一款功能强大的笔记应用,可以帮助您轻松记录、整理和分享您的想法 特色功能:1. 边看边记: 在观看视频时快速创建笔记,并生成完整的笔记记录。支持多种视频格式,包括 MP4、MOV、AVI、FLV 等。可随视频进度添加时间戳,方便跳转到对应笔记。支持语音转文字,解放您的双手。2. 多媒体笔记:支持视频、音频、图片、文档等多种文件格式的笔记。可对多媒体文件进行编辑和注释。支持插入图片、表格、链接等元素,丰富笔记内容。3. 强大的组织功能:创建分类、标签和子标签,将笔记整理得井井有条。支持笔记收藏和置顶,方便快速找到重要笔记。可创建笔记清单,方便管理待办事项。4. 快速搜索:通过关键字、标签、时间等快速找到您需要的笔记。支持模糊搜索和全文搜索,提高搜索效率。可保存搜索历史,方便重复搜索。5. 安全可靠:支持密码保护和生物识别验证,确保您的笔记安全无忧。支持本地备份和云端同步,防止数据丢失。提供隐私保护功能,确保您的笔记隐私。6. 多种导出格式:将笔记导出为 PDF、Word、HTML 等多种格式,方便分享和打印。可自定义导出模板,满足您的个性化需求。支持一键分享到社交平台和其它应用。7. 针对不同用户群体的特色功能:学生: 支持课堂录音、错题集整理、学习计划制定等功能。记者: 支持采访录音整理、新闻素材剪辑、稿件写作等功能。商务人士: 支持会议录音整理、项目文档管理、任务跟踪等功能。研究人员: 支持文献管理、论文写作、数据分析等功能。FlickJot 适用于各种场景:课堂笔记会议纪要采访记录头脑风暴研究资料学习计划工作文档待办事项FlickJot 是一款不可或缺的笔记工具,可以帮助您提高工作效率和学习效率。立即下载 FlickJot,体验全新的笔记体验!

Mergeek 发现好产品 Todo计划

「Todo计划」是一款以高效日程管理和养成为主题的趣味效率应用。当你进行专注时,萌宠也会相应成长,在提升时间管理、培养高效率学习工作习惯的同时和萌宠一起成长吧!【APP趣味】*领养萌宠开启自己的专注之旅,在专注的同时和萌宠一起成长*每日专注可获得金币,通过在商店购买食物,来喂养萌宠*萌宠的行为会根据用户的行为而改变,会和主人越来越像哦*从幼态到青年,陪伴萌宠的整个成长阶段,快来手把手将萌宠养大吧【APP功能】4. 任务管理:对任务进行管理,让学习工作生活井井有条5. 月视图:帮你清晰规划每一天,高效管理整个月的任务,提前做好准备6. 四象限:根据任务重要程度进行整理,对任务的掌控更加井然有序7. 专注系统:专注中以萌宠养成的方式进行,用萌宠告别懒惰,开启自己的自律之旅,掌控高效人生即刻开始,开启你的高效人生吧!

Mergeek 发现好产品 喝水种花-有趣治愈的健康喝水习惯养成App

在繁忙的生活中,是否经常忽略了喝水?是不是等到口渴时才意识到需要喝水?养成良好的饮水习惯是一项挑战,但我们的喝水养花App将为您提供有趣而有效的解决方案。应用亮点:1. 播种鲜花盲盒,充实每天的水分摄入:通过完成每日的喝水目标,您将获得绽放的鲜花,每日花会自动随机播种。不同的喝水进度将呈现不同的鲜花状态:种子->小芽->花苞->绽放。每朵花都是独一无二的设计,除了免费的鲜花外,我们还提供了1元就可永久解锁的鲜花盲盒,为您提供更多选择。2. 喝水记录,清晰了解饮水习惯:我们提供简洁而科学的饮品分类,使用日历选择方式,让您更直观地查看喝水记录。这有助于您了解自己的饮水模式,为调整和改善提供依据。3. 灵活的喝水提醒,助您时刻保持水分充足:避开休息时间和用餐时段,我们提供灵活的喝水提醒时间,确保您在一天中的不同时刻都能够保持足够的水分摄入。这种贴心的提醒方式有助于培养规律的喝水习惯。我们相信,通过喝水养花App,您将不仅仅享受到养花的乐趣,还能够轻松养成良好的喝水习惯,让每天都变得更加花样独特!4. 制作鲜花手机壁纸绽放后的鲜花可以制作手机壁纸,您还可以为其添加一段文字,生成您独一无二的壁纸。服务协议:隐私协议:若您有任何问题和建议,欢迎与我们联系

Mergeek 发现好产品 油条口语 - 英语口语·雅思口语·英语学习
油条口语 - 英语口语·雅思口语·英语学习

一个真正练习口语的社区,让你轻松开口讲英语。没有机会开口说英语是每个国内的英语学习者最头疼的问题,这也在很大程度上导致学了很多年还是哑巴英语的结果。由于没地方练口语这个问题一直都存在,所以我自己开发了一款口语app来尝试解决这个问题。【功能介绍】目前这一版的功能如下:1.门槛低的单人独白式口语练习我们提供上百个接地气的口语话题,涵盖生活中的15个大类,你总能找到一个你感兴趣的话题进行口语练习。你只需要选择喜欢的话题,按下录音键,开口进行口语输出。这种练习方式简单有效,可以随时随地,无需高度即兴,也没有社交压力,对语言基础的门槛也低。2.开口辅助为了让你更顺畅地练口语,我们给每个话题都配置了几份材料,这些材料都是和话题紧密相关的内容,会给你提供开口的灵感。此外,在会员服务中还进一步提供了话题相关的各种表达句型、用词和思路,不断地降低你开口的难度。3.同桌打卡单人进行口语练习难免会乏味枯燥,那就试试同桌打卡的功能,系统自动为你匹配一位语言基础相近的同桌,你和同桌一起配合学习,互相倾听对方的作品,并对作品进行订正,还可以和同桌进行互动。4.榜上有名在咱们这里,你不是一个人在练口语,因为每一个口语话题都是一个语料库,你可以听到不同人的练习作品并从中学习。我们会将优秀的作品上榜,上榜作品就可以成为你平时的听力材料。5.练习锦囊不管你是新手还是口语老油条,我们都希望你在油条口语社区中取得进步,我们提供了练习锦囊,在这里你可以学到口语练习的技巧,以及向团队反馈你的学习问题。以上仅是第一个版本的功能,我们希望能让你迈出开口讲英语的第一步。我们也在马不停蹄规划下版本的功能,届时会推出多人口语互动的功能,等。用户协议:隐私政策:会员服务协议:创始团队:公众号/小红书/b站:isaac的英语频道油条口语官方公众号:油条口语联系邮箱 最后,感谢一直以来的粉丝朋友,因为有了你们的支持和陪伴,我们坚持了下来。

Mergeek 发现好产品 食卡卡

一款专注于饮食热量记录与身体数据管理的软件。专注饮食记录 热量与营养管理,开启健康生活;50万+食物数据库,持续的内容完善计划,为营养生活保驾护航;身体数据趋势跟踪,体重、腰围、胸围…身体数据记录与分析,印刻人生的每一个阶段;用日记 收集每一天,隐私锁保障安全,记录您每一天的进步~【免责申明】「食卡卡」所提供的健康方案仅供参考,用户若患有疾病、长期服药或其他可能会影响健康方案执行的,应当根据自身的健康状况自行评估,必要时需在医生或其他医务人员的指导下进行。食卡卡提供的任何方案,均不能代替医生和其他医务人员的诊断和建议,食卡卡也不会提供任何医疗诊断或医疗建议,用户应当理性对待,若用户对其自身健康状况评估错误或对食卡卡的方案判断错误的,应当自行承担相应的后果,食卡卡不对用户作任何类型的担保,也不承担任何责任。食卡卡App仅提供管理工具,体重管理的效果受多重因素影响,需理性使用和看待;食卡卡App中部分功能免费使用,部分功能仅限付费会员开通使用。

Mergeek 发现好产品 Supermusic: AI Music Maker
Supermusic: AI Music Maker

Create & explore AI music together on Supermusic.Unleash your inner musician with Supermusic – the revolutionary AI MUSIC APP that turns your prompt into a finished, 3-minute song! Go from text prompt to quality songs and beats in seconds, and share your creativity with the world.► PROMPT-TO-SONGJust type in your lyrics, and watch as SuperMusic crafts a full, professionally-sounding song in a matter of minutes.► VOCALSSuperMusic doesn't just stop at the music; it generates a vocal track that sings your lyrics with astonishing clarity and emotion. You can also add your own lyrics.► SHARE YOUR HITShare your AI-crafted hits on social media or with friends directly through the app, and lead the next wave of music innovation.► PLAYLISTS & PROFILESCreate custom playlists of your AI-generated songs and curate them to your taste. Set up your artist profile to showcase your music, and follow other users to explore the burgeoning community of AI-assisted musicians.► LEADERBOARDSClimb the ranks as your songs gain popularity! Leaderboards track the most played, liked, and shared songs, giving you the chance to be recognized for your AI-collaborative hits among the SuperMusic community.► POP, COUNTRY, EDM, ROCK, RAPFrom pop anthems to rock ballads, electronic beats to jazzy tunes, select from an array of genres to match the mood of your masterpiece.With SuperMusic, there's no need for expensive studio time or mastering complex software. Your phone is now the studio, and your imagination is the limit. Tap into the future of song-making today and make every word count!Download SuperMusic today and start crafting your 3-minute wonders now!Terms of Use: Policy:

Mergeek 发现好产品 鹿其记账-3秒AI快速记账本单

鹿其记账作为一款强大的财务管理记账工具,它不仅简化了繁琐的记账过程,更为用户提供了全面而直观的财务分析,将是大家财富自由之路上的得力手机助手。【产品优势】简单易用的记账体验:鹿其记账以其简洁直观的界面设计和出色的用户体验而脱颖而出。无论您是初次接触记账还是有丰富经验的理财达人,都能在鹿其记账找到令人满意的记账解决方案。轻松添加收入、支出,一键完成账目分类,让繁琐的财务记录变得愈发轻松。消费趋势:通过多样化的图表和报表,用户可以详细了解个人的支出构成、收入来源、月度趋势等。有助于用户更全面地了解自己的财务状况,了解自己的开支分别在哪些地方,以便制定更科学的财务计划。多账本管理:按家庭消费、副业、理财等等场景按账本记账。人人都可以有多个账本。数据超安全:纯本地记账,数据备份于个人iCloud,安全可靠。提供密码、刷脸解锁功能,你的财务只有你明白。账单管理:超多维度账单及报表,账单不再只是看月报,让你从时间、分类、成员、标签等等多方面了解你的账单。【自动续费VIP套餐说明】- 订阅周期:提供2年期和1年期的VIP服务,1年期、季度、月度自动续费VIP服务和永久服务产品至记账服务下架。- 具体价格参考鹿其记账App内部付费页面。- 付款:通过用户的iTunes账户扣款,用户确认购买后付款。- 取消订阅:自动续费服务可以在设置 - Apple ID - 订阅服务中取消订阅。永久服务产品,一次性付费无法取消。- 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个周期。永久服务产品无需续订,只要产品存续期间皆可使用。【隐私政策】:【用户使用条款】:【创始人的记账思考】我们是深度的记账用户,有着多年一流财务软件开发经验。开发人员均来自一线大厂。市面上记账软件很多,每一款总有一些用得不爽的点,能否有一款记账能集合各项优点呢?我们专注于极简、快捷记账,摒弃掉了繁杂的功能及多余的操作步骤,围绕记账核心价值,打造记账功能点。通过我们的资产管理,一目了然掌握不同账户的资金状况。随时随地查看各账户余额,轻松应对多元化财务需求。通过图表、报表等可视化工具,清晰展示您的财务状况。收支走势、消费占比等。通过预算管理,助您建立理性的消费观念,实现财务规划的长远目标。记账是一种思考自身财务状况的过程,每天随手记录消费,逐步提高自己的财商。欢迎大家提意见,如果用得好,希望多多好评。【联系我】:weixin: frely-619邮箱

Mergeek 发现好产品 AI外教

「AI外教」是一个专业的英语虚拟外教,像朋友一样聊天,放下心理负担,无需担心自己的发音或是单词想不起来,「AI外教」会很贴心的理解你的话语并认真回复你,语法或是单词问题都可以通过一次次交流中修正并提升你的英语能力,从初级到高级,需要有备考的,APP 也有覆盖雅思托福等海量题库,AI 考官模拟真实的考试情景,规范回答,科学备考更容易取得好成绩。提供专业英语情景课,足不出户就能体验外国学习,生活的语言氛围。

Mergeek 发现好产品 Focused: 任务计划器
Focused: 任务计划器

"一步一个脚印,才能实现目标"。Focused 并不是一款跟踪你需要完成的每一项任务的应用程序,但它能帮助你专注于最重要的下一步。Focused 对任务设置了每日限制,不允许你在一天内安排超过所选数量的任务。它会将新任务自动安排到下一个尚未排满的工作日,确保你的待办事项列表不会过长。如果生活琐事缠身,你无法完成当天的任务,这些任务可以推迟到下一个空闲日,甚至可以自动完成,同时确保一天内不会安排太多任务。- 日、周、月和近期视图日视图只显示当天任务和逾期任务,没有任何干扰。周、月和未来视图允许你以不同的粒度规划未来几天和几周的任务。- 小工具主屏幕和锁屏小工具可以让你快速访问今天的任务,不会分散你的注意力。你还可以长按应用图标查看当天的任务或添加新任务。- 应用程序意图从快捷方式 app 中的任意快捷方式添加任务或阅读当前计划的任务。- 任务组通过彩色编码的任务组,你可以直观地将不同领域分开,从而在一周或一月视图中轻松查看哪些领域最需要你花时间。- iCloud 同步通过 iCloud,你的任务会在 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 之间安全同步。任何更改都会立即反映到各个地方。- 专注专业版Focused Pro 将作为付费订阅自动续订,除非在续订日期前至少 24 小时取消订阅。付款将在确认购买时从 iTunes 帐户中扣除。您的账户将在当前期限结束前 24 小时内收到续订费用。您可随时通过 iTunes 帐户设置关闭自动续订功能,取消免费试用或订阅。此操作必须在免费试用或订阅期结束前 24 小时进行,以避免被收费。取消将在当前订阅期最后一天的次日生效,您将降级为免费服务。如果您在免费试用期内购买了高级订阅,免费试用期内未使用的部分将被没收。隐私政策:使用条款:

Mergeek 发现好产品 Inmobiliaria Vinte
Inmobiliaria Vinte

Creada especialmente para el beneficio de los residentes, te ofrecemos el poder llevar contigo solo lo que necesitas en cuanto a los desarrollos y amenidades a los que perteneces. Podrás conocer y visualizar información, planos, renders, etc, de Inmobiliaria Vinte

Mergeek 发现好产品 eNOMIN

Номингийн хэрэглэгч танд зориулан Номингийн онлайн дэлгүүр болон бонус картын мэдээллийг гар утаснаасаа дамжуулан авах боломжийг олгож байна.

Mergeek 发现好产品 Custom Food
Custom Food

Мобильное приложение для доставки роллов в городах Норильск и Дудинка

Mergeek 发现好产品 Dance Fitness with Jessica
Dance Fitness with Jessica

About Dance Fitness with JessicaThe Dance Fitness with Jessica app is a new element to the Dance Fitness with Jessica brand. Dance Fitness with Jessica is a high-intensity workout that helps inspire and motivate people to make positive changes in their lives. It combines Jessica’s love of dancing and healthy lifestyle to create an uplifting experience that anyone can enjoy at their own pace. You can enjoy Dance Fitness with Jessica anytime, anywhere with powerful streaming options!About JessicaJessica Bass started Dance Fitness with Jessica in Knoxville, Tennessee at just 24 years old. As a mother of three beautiful children, she was tired of boring workout routines and as a busy mom, she needed a fitness program that fit into her hectic schedule. Jessica’s passion for music and dance inspired her to become a certified fitness instructor.Her first fitness class of three people quickly grew to over 700,000 virtual fans and followers from her online community. In addition to her membership live streaming Jessica’s Dance Fitness with Jessica now features multiple workout DVD’s, fitness eBooks, and apparel.How Dance Fitness with Jessica WorksDance Fitness with Jessica will help you get your desired results by its aerobic dancing mixed with fitness. This will help you burn the most calories while toning your body at the same time. Whether you simply want to lose weight, gain muscle or have a healthier lifestyle—Dance Fitness with Jessica can be tailored to reach your goals. Dance Fitness with Jessica combines high-intensity workouts with upbeat and high energy music.To access all features and content you can subscribe to Dance Fitness with Jessica on a monthly or yearly basis with an auto-renewing subscription right inside the app.* Pricing can vary by region and will be confirmed before purchase in the app. In app subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of their cycle.* All payments will be paid through your iTunes Account and may be managed under Account Settings after the initial payment. Subscription payments will automatically renew unless deactivated at least 24-hours before the end of the current cycle. Your account will be charged for renewal at least 24-hours prior to the end of the current cycle. Any unused portion of your free trial will be forfeited upon payment. Cancellations are incurred by disabling auto-renewal.Terms of Service: Policy:

Mergeek 发现好产品 iEHR

The iEHR, i.e. iPatientCare EHR. is an extension of our full-featured cloud-based EHR on iPhone and iPad, and is meant to provide highly mobile healthcare providers with anywhere, anytime access to patient’s clinical records. This system allows physicians to view appointments, access complete clinical summary of patients while making hospital rounds or visiting hospices.It makes the digital dashboard available to the physicians on their finger tips and allows them to stay connected with the office from wherever they are. All the refill requests, lab results, appointment list, messages are delivered to them in a secured manner and they can perform the necessary actions using a simple touch of a button. What’s more? They get alerted for all the new documents and tasks, even when they are not connected to the system.You will need the appropriate licenses for iPatientCare EHR to use this application in a connected mode. To make this application run in a Connected mode, please subscribe to iPatientCare EHR using any of the following modes:1. Logon and register at Call us on 732.607.24003. Email Us on or

Mergeek 发现好产品 PIH

Download this app to view schedules & book sessions at Pilates in Holland!

Mergeek 发现好产品 Beacon Hill Country Club
Beacon Hill Country Club

Delivering the ability to connect Beacon Hill Country Club to your mobile device. The Beacon Hill Country Club app provides members with the ability to view their Statements, make Dining Reservations and even book Tee Times. Use the Roster to connect with other members and receive notifications on upcoming club events, all by the way of your handheld or tablet.